Pit Boss HP Bugged

This really prevents us from being able to run anything with bosses (i.e. pits and NMDs), and give accurate feedback to class changes and to new gear. I can only conclude that there is no interest in hearing that feedback. That’s disappointing.

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Its even worse than that the same bug is present for NM dungeon bosses so it look like it the case for all bosses. Make me think they all accidently getting the tormented boss buff.

So there is no pit testing in this PTR? Lol.

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Is this your first PTR? They were never interested in feedback. They just look at some metrics and then nerf anything that looks good.

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Yeah, when I die to the boss and start fight again, (idk maybe 2 deaths and start for 3rd time) it usually scales down the boss?? And makes it killable, just as expected for me to be on some lvl I pick.
Thats a workaround if it hasn’t been posted yet.

There is. Just die to the boss and it will reset to the normal health.

what about the stacking lilith debuff that took all fun out of chaining pits chasing that perfect mw roll?

Not if you use Prudent Heart aspect. It helps with those. I would use it on hardcore instead of Protecting Aspect, anyway. it is better. But I guess softcore Andies will be mad, caus they won’t be able to stack their damage by having to use it now and see how it feels. LOOL

if i want to do mechanic heavy content ill go kill lilith. I made billions doing Lilith carry last season. pits is not the place for it.