Pets to aid in gold and material pickup!

And wings?!



The pet from pre-order is “in-game now” according to the video. It’s just not yet… waiting for a patch.

The pet will be live just awaiting of patch.

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When it’s ready we will need to do a quest to unlock the dog.

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I’m scared Diablo IV is going to look like Disneyland. The idea of pets is cool, but these first ones look too cute.


Oh, waiting for patch. that is cool, but I hope we get cooler looking pets. Like a ghost or something dead and evil looking. I don’t wanna be followed around by a stupid dog or cat.

The patch is rolling now for all platforms


Heeeellllll yeah, boieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Not related to the patch, but curious as why i cant preorder the expansion on xbox. It says currently unavailable

Are pets added to loot pools now as well

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wow hey look the game is actually catching up to diablo 3


so do we have to pre order to get the pet?

No, you just gotta log in and do a quick “quest”

I cannot even see my pet with all of my necro minions on the screen.


Yeah, don’t understand why they don’t just hide the minions in town.

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100% proof Blizzard just dont care or do NOT listen to their players.

All everyone complains about is lack of autoloot for equipment and other items we have to click a button to pick up.

Since beta and every patch after release, people have asked for this and askes about this.

So as response, they give us a pet that autoloots everything that we ALREADY autoloot instead. ERGO so far just cosmetic, more annoying pointless crap with no game play benefit.


I’m kind of disappointed. I thought D4 was going to be Pet-free and Wings-free for longer. Especially wings. I hate wings.


You know you never need to use them right?

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I hope they add more thematic pets. I’d love to see a raven and scorpion, or even non-animal pets like the Seneschal. Pets that are small versions of the wild beasts in sanctuary would be cool too.

pet has a fatal flaw it doesn’t pick up cinders. please make it do it so players can focus on fighting the mobs than looking at cinders and need to keep moving to its PoV. This part of the game in Helltides make players die in solo mode since now Devs make them spawn so quickly a player cannot look at in the map to use their pin to mark a chest. If Devs decide not to let pets do the pick up at least lessen the speed of the respawning of mobs a few seconds so at least we can use the pins to markup.

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