Pets to aid in gold and material pickup!

Good news!! You don’t have to buy or use them at all! Enjoy your wing free, pet free experience :slight_smile:

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Did you miss the shared-world-part?

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Did you miss the part where their experience doesn’t affect yours?

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whip crack shill harder you dogs.

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His point, which many agree with, was that they are annoying to SEE espcially in bulk at world bosses or in town.

The graphics are often annoying and off setting.

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And many agree theta they are not annoying at all. What is with boomers being annoyed with everything?

Other people having them doesn’t in anyway change the way you experience or play the game. I find some of the cosmetics in the shop to be particularly ugly and off putting. I’m not going to complain if other people want to buy and wear them though.

The entitlement is astonishing.


I’ve watched my little Jaguar run around way behind, in front, and all over the place to collect cinders and $$.

Saves me from missing a bunch of cinders during the Helltide which increased my total collected this past weekend by about 33-37% for each event.

The pet is great and I don’t want auto loot for rares, I don’t even bother picking those up and the legendaries that I miss are waiting for me when I open up the stash in town.

This game is a hell of a lot better than it was at launch

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The pet picks up cinders. My little Jaguar runs all over the place picking up cinders. I’ve seen it…

Also the endless spawning of mobs during the helltide is awesome and easily solo’d with each class…. and, truth be told, I’m not especially good at this game but I have fun and really enjoy the endless helltide mobs and even yet I don’t die soloing the endless mobs.

Edit: you don’t have to pin the chest locations on the map they are already shown. How long has it been since you’ve played d4 and participated in the Helltide?

Agreed. I’d like to be able to configure what kind of objects it picks up.

Or even better: take a hint from Torchlight: pets with their own inventory you can send back to town with a button-click to sell their stuff.

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What is the difference between the pets? is it just cosmetic? just one pet active at a time?

Yep, just cosmetic and only one pet at a time.

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That is your opinion, not everyone agrees.

It very much changes the way I “experience” the game… For some ot has effected game play too. I now have to leave cross play off anytime Im not playing with wife, just so I dont have to see as many. Likewise, i completely skip world bosses and legions events, simply to avoid the visually annoying graphics of them.

Not sure if there are just a lot of people using pets and minions this season, or if the wings are to blame. But my Xbox drops connection any time I see more than a dozen players with wings on screen at same time.

So I have no choice but to try and avoid them.

No. It objectively doesn’t change the way you play.

Oh Wow. You really got hurt by some in game pets that no one is forcing you to use…

I don’t even see the pets or the wings half the time because I’m too busy playing the game instead of treating like a visual novel.

:joy: :joy: Your Xbox is dropping connection due to your ISP/server connection. LMAO, trying to blame wings for your connectivity issues is wild lol. A singular Sorc’s spells can generate more visual clutter across an entire screen than a dozen pets and wings ever could.

When people have an illogical hate for something you can be damn sure that they will manufacture illogical reasons for their hate. Rather than their hate being based on something measurable and logical.

I bet you hate rainbows and light beer because “reasons”…

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Rude much, again glad it doesnt effect you. Your opinion is yours and your entitled to it the same as I am mine.

Not sure why you had to go out of your way to be rude. No one was being rude to you.

Not sure what is causing your anger, Id suggest you seek help. Good luck and good bye.

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There is no anger mate, lol.

It’s just an incredibly cringe thing to create issues where there objectively are non and then to insinuate that the game isn’t as performant or broken simply because people have cosmetics…

You know like when people have buyers remorse and they just start making up random complaints to validate their feelings in returning the product rather than just saying they don’t like what they purchased? It’s like that.

But its not, not even the only person making these same comments. You’re correct, some spell effects also go over the top and cause lag, rubber-banding and even disconnects.

Many of use have bren asking since BETA for the option to turn off other player spell effects.

Also, as wings are new and wouldnt be the first new cosmetic theyve added in broken and had to fix. To just assume because you personally.arent having problems that everyone else complaining is just making it up is is your opiniin. But does NOT make it ok to belittle their complaints and comments.

We made similar comments and complaints when we first got the robot pets, and within a week they found the problem and patched the game.

So not sure why you just assume.they did everytjing 100% perfect this time???

I hear PTR 5 has a lot more options avail, Im hoping being able to turn off some visuals is among them. Cant check on console, but i hear we can finally turn off the thousands.of vulnerable and other status msgs while still being able to show OP, Crits and OP/Crit hit numbers…