Petition to Fire SORC class design team

It depends on the build, also there are some dangerously overturned uniques that make speculations even harder.

For instance, A Hydra main dps user estimates that they lost 30ish percent effectiveness based on how far they could get in Pits, Live vs PTR. They are very bright and very determined to make Hydra work. They had tried tweaking many variables to compensate the loss including, I believe, the new extra head tempers.

100% Agree the balance of classes are a huge mess, and the spot of sorc is very bad in all aspects, bad uniques or underpower ones, bad synergy between skills, dependent on the same defensive skills there is no variety, weak in both damage and survival, absolutely everything is wrong with the sorceress.


I’m going to cry then, sorc is 2nd favorite closely followed by necro

I played rogue first snd thought aspects of that tree were bad, then i rolled sorceress and omg, i went back to rogue pretty fast originally. I stuck it out this season and ive hit a hard wall at NM lvl 90 at the boss fight. I could eventually win, but it’s not pleasant. Granted, my build is asinine for bossing.

I’m thinking once i get a few double GAs and all at least one GA and get some tempers going it’ll get decent through NM100, but I doubt I’ll reach as deep in the pit as my rogue, 77 so far. Pretty sure I could have pushed mid 80s on rogue with my non-dumb ring rapid fire build. I got bored of it though and swapped everything to some weird badic attack concoction i wanted to try. Its not bad, but definitely slower. Im doing something similar on the sorc, but with paingorgers and fire bolt with some blizz for freeze and triggering the gauntlets. Works great for groups, but does nothing for bosses.

Another stupid post that will end in here like the rest: IGNORED BY DEVS.
is that so hard for You to play BARBARIAN and have some fun?
forget about sorcerer, it’s dead, they don’t care about your opinion… they don’t listen.
You must appreciate your own time a bit more, my friend.

it could be they plan on nuke’n the sorc class so bad in S5 that the “patch notes\Fixes” that are in the expansion make sorc a great class that you have to buy it to play sorc… just a thought

Shhh, that’s top secret, dont tell any 1…

now that burning instinct is nerfed and capped at 40%, season 5 will be impossible for sorcerer with fire builds.
Incinerate was already worthless, this will make it even worse.
Sorcerer is bad in all aspects and they know it.
nerfing and nerfing all over
there’s no point to pay sorcerer with a low survivability and so low damage.
this does not make any sense.
life is so ironic that , unfortunately: the none of the d4 dev team was fired when Microsoft did it’s cleaning…
4 seasons and it’s getting worse and worse.
Whoever still plays sorcerer, has their frustration moments well deserved


I will be laughing when all ultimate passives are buffed by 15% and all core skills by 10% if you only knew the class you play. Are damage doesn’t translate anymore vulnerable worthless crit dmg worthless being serious attack speed helps more test for yourself. Nerf cooldown’s of defensive skills stupid. Nerf blizzard ice spikes and put the extra 15% dmg on the ice armor ice spike aspect r u kidding 1 ice spike behind u as you run stupid. Think blizzard the company just once ok Ice Blades the conjuration helps defensive skills and all cooldowns hmm perhaps change the cooldown to the ultimate active skills oh wow that was easy. Are ultimate skills suck period so that way hey they don’t need to change flame shield or nerf it. Why wouldn’t that work no infinite flameshield anymore and maybe a few players will use ultimate active skills cause no one does in season 4 or very few. Inferno sucks, Deep Freeze sucks, and I forget the other one lol.


Bro, I have no idea what you are trying to say.

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Season 5 is going to upset a lot of sorc players for sure. I think a better paragon board and 3 enchantments are the answer but the developers will ignore as usual.

Changes to the shield would be logical if its base operating time was at least 12 seconds. For 2-3 seconds it does not protect from anything. So the only choice is to either exploit it or abandon it.
They build the sorcerer class like it’s a tank class. But the sorcerer is a long way from being a tank.

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SORCERER despite being a sorcerer uses less aspect that the rest of the classes.
SORCERER does less elemental damage than any class
SEASON 5 NERF was brutal

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You mean season 5 will be brutal? Are the PTR notes up?

they been up, we waiting for live patch notes to hopefully swing back in sorc favor as it seams nothing game breaking is added to the class this time around ***(IF they dont nerf that new helm that lets us make any resource spender be OP, but its stupid unbalanced and way to overtuned to be viable to not be tweeked)

Maybe if we stop talking about it, they’ll stop taking out their aggression on sorc. It’s like every time we open our mouths, they nerf us again.

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bad news is good news, gets us talking and keeps this old IP alive…

last epoch new season out today guys… 1000 % more build flex in that game… see yah there


Thank you for telling me this, im going to go cry for sorc. WTF are they doing to them?!

They announced the changes on a campfire.
Sorcs will have burning instinct nerfed from 25 int for 1% to 50
Also it will be capped to 40%
so fire sorcerers are just dungeon meat now.

I believe when blizzard was a young company they genuinely cared for the project and players. Sadly, I think all that remains is greed. Im sure many of you realize that when larger corporations buy smaller ones the initial vision is lost. Large companies only care about money so if you view it through that lens then you can make sense of the seemingly counterintuitive idiotic decisions the devs make. It is very likely they slashed the development team budget, have probably 1/3 of the employees supporting the game that they had at launch. They are in min max profit mode coupled with a high turnover in employees causes no continuity in game development and a general lack of understanding the game mechanics. Further, if they see a lot of people playing a class they may make it less appealing to move you to a different one thinking maybe more time in the game or that type of nonsense. ( recall unceasing the time exiting dungeons etc.). Companies do this all the time. Look at amusement parks that lie about wait times just for park management and crowd control… so perhaps the thread should not be to fire the developers but those in charge of them.

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