PC feedback on diablo 4 game so far

Hey guys.

I wanted to offer you guys some feedback as someone who played the beta extensively and I wanted to share a few thoughts.

First of all guys excellent job on Diablo 4 so far. I was initially worried that the game would just be crashing a lot on windows 11 but you guys mostly nailed the programming aspect of things. GOOD JOB! I have a decent gaming laptop and I noticed the graphics look a little weird but I’m gonna try different settings as I go.

The main feedback I wanted to offer had to do with the boss mechanics. GOOD JOB on the challenging boss fights. I loved the butcher fight primarily. I did notice mainly with the butcher fight you guys were kind enough to save our progress with the battle on that fight as we go. Namely the boss’s helth status. And maybe this has been suggested already but I would like that saved hp status enabled on ALL possible bosses. As primarily a solo player I think this would be an interesting thing to look into.

I did the beta as a damn Sorcerer maybe I did not pick the right choice heheh. I wanted a challenge though. I noticed Sorc is very squishy. I have a hybrid build going right now with hydra set up. AMAZING the hydra set up puts in work you guys! i noticed fireball primary could use a little tuning i thing it does not do enough damage. ALSO im messing with the arcane whip thing. I forgot the name of the spell but it is nuts! very good damage scaling there. I have 5 points into that spell and I think a few of the support ones for it.

I hit level 20 as sorc.

Mind you guys that was no small feat hahah.

I’ll check out the other classes as we go! i even got a hardcore toon going. I’ll provide feedback on hardcore as we go. but yeah guys thank yall so much. I was admittedly a skeptic about this game. I think you guys nailed it and I am hoping the game does very well long term. I’m curious how its overall selling this quarter of sales so far.

But yeah guys I mainly want to see the boss health thing placed on all boss fights. I noticed primarily as sorc some of the boss fights were really challenging. i liked the skeleton king fight and the butcher fight. HOT DAMN hes hard as hell. i made sure i toughed out that fight even after he broke all of my gear. But yeah guys place the hp thing on all bosses. i think that would be a good step in the right direction!

keep working hard on this game you guys!

im impressed with what i seen so far. You guys are definitely inspired by other games such as guild wars 2 and others. either way doods i wanna see more! i cant wait for live game guys! so exciting.