PC-Centric Feedback - Open Beta Day 1

Overall, I am excited to play the full game even more. 4 out of 5 classes are absolutely stellar. Amazing job on atmosphere, graphics, music, combat, etc. Here are my latest suggestions and feedback otherwise:

  • Druid is Really Bad: Druid was my second choice for class and it is really bad. The models look absolutely horrible (like old truck drivers) and skills are weak in look and feel. Needs to be completely redone, especially lower levels. All other classes are fantasic.

  • Camera Zoom: We need more control over it, especially on PC. Please do not lock us out of going too far in or too far out, especially in town. Also, we need a gradual zoom not just SEMI-FAR and NEAR.

  • Bring back Exocet (Diablo) font: It’s in the game partially, just bring it into everything, just like in Diablo, Diablo II, and Diablo II R.

  • Lighting/Light Radius: Bring back light radius and have the option to make dungeons even darker.

  • Cinematic FPS Lock = BAD: If you are running the game at 100+ FPS and all of a sudden we get locked to 30 FPS, it’s bad. Stuttery, unnecessary. PCs are not TVs/movie projectors. Give us the option to unlock cinematic FPS.

  • Item Font Too Big: Give us the option to scale loot font size. Normal chat and enemy name size is scalable but item fonts are not.

  • Lag/Performance Indicators: Please give us lag/latency indicators a la WoW

  • Elite Mobs are Not Marked: Make elite mobs more noticeable.

  • Spell Lighting Effects: In the BlizzCon 2019 demo spells had more effects and lighting. Bring that back. If I am bringing down Lightning from the heavens, it should LOOK and FEEL like lightning, not a spark.

  • Loot Drops: I know this is beta, but loot needs to be more varied and exciting. Bring on D2 uniques, etc.

  • Character Design: Please let us use all body types (with size tweaking), all hairstyles, etc for each class. My Druid shouldn’t have to look like a slob.

I think they locked the fps for Cinematic because some people experience issues with their gpus, some cases the game bricked the gpus on specific cinematics.


Great looking environments for the most part, enemies, like the dark theme back to the old d1 vibe.

I like the slowed down pace, I think you mostly nailed that.

Story, not bad at all.

The open world nature. I was quite worried about this before playing, however for the most part I have found this to not be a problem, Occasionally seeing people running around is no issue and I do not feel like any of the elements are really being forced onto me, and I have not really had problems with out competing people for spawns. You can play dungeons solo (after DI I was worried about this) and they have felt really good, there is also a lot of them. ONE light issue has been with events that have spawned on the maps, sometimes you run towards these and they are just ending or end just as you arrive, this has been the only time where the online nature has been a negative in my play.


The UI and the skills and mechanics, it has its merits to simplify some things and it has to work across pc and console, but I
just feel like in some areas you have gone for complexity (end game paragon trees etc) and in other areas you have dumbed it down to be just like d3 (ie, book of the dead for necro, you have x, y or z choice and thats it) and there is no balance there. Super simple, tetris free statsh… not sure, Massive weapons should be massive, its an rpg. i can carry 10 rings or 10 giant axes … feels wrong. Overall it feels confused, like it is trying to be two things at once. I respect there has to be balance between quality of life and realism.


very empty in places, such as walking into a ‘cellar’ and there being 3 enemies, 5 seconds later the cellar is complete, or having to walk through vast swathes of open empty terrain above ground. Town is Huge but empty, walking between vendors, chests etc takes ages.

Way too easy, on Veteran, the highest available diffulty pre-50, I never once came close to death and never felt challenged. Perhaps either tweak Vetean or add a third tier for experienced players seeking a challenge early game.

Some way to leave dungeons without either running all the way back to the entrance or porting to town perhaps. I dont know, perhaps that would just feel thematically wrong.

Graphics settings for my system auto set to high which was causing servere frame rate issues (2070), once I set things to low and switched on dlss, it smoothed out nicely but was a horribe experience before this. System settings seem to be off.

Legendary drop rate is WAY too high, I had 5 drop before I passed level 10. Please, not another loot candy experience like d3. I do respect that there probably isnt trading like in d2 so there needs to be some off-balance there, but if its this high early game then it is going to be insanely high at endgame and this just devalues items and makes them not exciting, I was not excited for items dropping in any way by the time i was even 20 because that ping was just another one of many.


As a Necro can we please have icons to show how many pets are alive? When the screen is busy it is not always possibel to see if one dies and Corpses are too valuable to spam. I feel that this will only get more important later in the game.

Some sort of visual indicator than an enemy is ‘elite’, wether it be a map dot or an aura around the enemy. 9/10 times I dont realise im fighting one until i realise it is just dieing much more slowly than the rest.


Several instances of event circles on the map showing but no events happening in them. Several chests in dungeons that were not interactible but clearly they were meant to be.

So give us options, not a forced lock…