Pay to Win promise has been broken

5 more days until we can leave these scrubs who are clearly tainted by Lilith’s evil!


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So people shouldn’t care about Pay2Win elements being introduced in the game?
Guess the people have spoken, they want another Diablo Immortal.

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No its not even close to the meaning of Pay to Win. Have you looked at number 1? Paying for Early Access is like paying for the ticket to get into the challenge or do you think that paying for the standard version would have been Pay to Win if the challenge started at release for that version? Because you would have an advantage over every other human who didnt buy Diablo 4 at all.

Use your brain man, just use it one time. Its not hard, you should have learned it already.

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You really think people on this forum and Blizzard will look at that stuff and not think its an exploit? Don’t think so.

I don’t think you will be punished for it either, but its still a small exploit. Just because someone are clueless when designing gaming systems, doesn’t make something less of an exploit. For crying out loud, they are already rewarding botters and multiboxers with sending legendaries to their mail, making their time botting and multiboxing even better.

That’s not pay to win in my eyes. Cause there no actual gain of it or power unless if you get paid for making gaming content. Only then it matters.

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People pay to enter a marathon. So if winning is starting early pony up for the deluxe edition. It’s not p2w. You complain about everything from seasons to now EA is p2w. What a joke

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Who cares about extra 4 days in preseason? It matters not.

It’s literally not selling any power.

Buying the game is buying the ticket.
But I agree, buying early access means that only early access players have a chance to win.

Which means you have to pay 2 win the contest.
Standard players have to either fork over extra money or they lose.
Once again its the very definition of Pay2Win.

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People who want to be in the first 1000 to max lvl in hardcore.

No, its not. That is just your assumption. The challenge starts on early access, so early access is the ticket you need for that challenge. Again, use your brain.


Everyone should unless they want a repeat of Diablo Immortal which I’m guessing you do.
And in regards to this contest, yes it matters it matters a LOT.

Game is not P2W.

Can you imagine someone asking if Diablo IV is pay to win a month after launch, and you go, “YEAH, IT’S PAY TO WIN CUZ AT LAUNCH YOU COULD PAY $30 TO PLAY 4 DAYS EARLY CAN YOU BELIEVE GAME IS BROKE UNFAIR CRY”

Imo game is not p2w, however with the news of the HC race that starts on June 1st… early access suddenly become pay4advantage for the people that attempt the race. :beers:

Funny how people suddenly became top player with racing to 100 ambition. This contest wasn’t made for you, people who were already thinking about going all out at start bought the early access. Stop playing victim of the big corporation.


Its not an assumption its a fact, there is nowhere that says standard edition players can’t compete.
Regardless your flawed logic makes the situation worse.

You’re proposing that right now exists 2nd class citizens and people who buy the standard edition don’t even get the entry ticket to contests and how only gold edition diablo 4 purchasers should ever be allowed to take part in events.,very%20big%20advantage%20over%20others

Definition of pay to win; first link on google; buying in game items for power.

Promotional contests and buying early access have nothing to do with pay to win.

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Yeah because getting 4 days early access is the same as buying gems that are unobtainable otherwise and make your character way more powerful than you can grind in game.

You cant call it pay4advantage because it is clear that 0 people without early access will be in top first 1000 to lvl 100 in hardcore.

If you want to try YOU MUST buy early access.

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The definition of Pay2Win is buying for power.
Ingame time IS power, that is why EXP boosts can’t be purchased in diablo 4 because time = power which would fit the classification of P2W.

But it was always the case, people with early access were always going to finish first.