ℹ Patch Summary: New Systems, Changes, Caps, & Seasonal Things

Thanks for this. Bunch of good reminders

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That’s less of a problem in season 4, still have to farm and the World Boss is probably more efficient. But you’ll have more options to organically get resources as you do other things.

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If luck enough you can get unique items with 4 greater affixes in gamble.

https : // Players Will Be Able To Gamble "The Best Items" In Diablo 4 Season 4 - Wowhead News

“Essentially, this means that players will be able to gamble into Legendary items with up to three Greater Affixes, which, besides Unique items with up to four Greater Affixes, will be the best items to wear in the game by far. With this approach, Blizzard returns to its ARPG roots, turning Gambling in Diablo 4 into a high-RNG, high-reward system.”

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the forum GOAT being awesome as always.

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Hey there, as usual - i dont like to write in the forum but as i dont find an answer anywhere, it seems i cant find a way around this time sooo… i have a question that bugs me quite a bit. Maybe you know something about it:

So does that mean: if we craft an Uber-Unique, we wont have a chance to get a greater affix on it. Is that correct?

Best regards, T.

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I thought I remembered them saying this on one of the live streams, but I could be mistaken, regardless this is from Wowhead.

Uber Uniques created from Resplendent Sparks can roll with Greater Affixes.

Remember it’s just a rare chance, but who knows you may get lucky and see a 4 Greater Affixed Uber Unique.

I should add that tidbit to the GA details.

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Yeah, thanks. i remembered something like that too but i couldnt find anything specific. Or rather - something from the official side.

Would be a bad thing to be honest, if they could not roll greater affixes.

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Some one can remind me what build its ? I remember Pulverize for Drood, but the other Class?

Barb = Dust Devils
Sorc = Incinerate
Rogue = Barrage
Necro = Minions

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Iggi is :goat: confirmed :white_check_mark:


Not everyone here has the 200IQ to do a google search on their own. :grinning: This has been prooven time and time again.

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Things Iggi has contributed toward D4 getting better: 0

Things “complainers” have contributed toward D4 getting better: >0

Nuff said.

It is literally the giant poster you see when first loading D4 in the launcher. But hey, all these 4000+ post Andy’s gotta farm these weird as hell reach-around points, it’s like a circle jerk in text format. Urza spams “idea” threads with a grand total of zero good ideas and almost as few replies, Iggi sits marginally on the sane side of simp, and they back-pat each other to reinforce their confirmation biases for each other!

It’s like almost beeing friends with someone. Weird.

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I mean sure, if you’re gonna spend hours a day trolling internet forums I guess it’s inevitable you’ll make “friends” there rather than people you actually interact with. I guess we are in season 4 and the game still has zero support for social interaction with people you aren’t already friends with, so maybe the forums are the best way for the friendless to meet like-minded people?

I mean it’s as good as any other platform to make friends with strangers, that you could even eventualy play togeather also.

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im very optimistic with this season.


Thanks, great format :+1:

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Not about to change your opinion nor would I try. I just hope you find some happiness in your life. Sincerely.

Again as I suggest to anyone who doesn’t like what people post, there’s always the option to mute said person. Even if their profile is hidden you can still mute them. Just for reference my profile is not hidden, you can click on my avatar and easily mute me.

I hope you have a good day regardless of the clear disdain you have toward those on the forums.

You’d be surprised how many people in this community don’t have the skill level to do that.

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But how can I DL and play season 2?