ℹ Patch Summary: New Systems, Changes, Caps, & Seasonal Things

Adam fletcher watch out! Iggy is coming for you! :stuck_out_tongue:

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The Seneschal Construct has tattoo removing lasers, they can’t alter your amounts of melanin though, sorry. Maybe one day though.

But if theres fans of the game giving feedback why wont they listen ?? Why is all the fun events and rewards have no matchmaking and are time gated? You must show up at 4 pm on Tuesday to play game for material for boss. Why is all the end game stuff limited by material farming? Why is time consumimg = fun? Why Blizzard Why

@Iggi Thanks for taking the time to compile all of this info into an easy to process format. Good work. I know quite a bit, but this definitely makes it easier to figure out things I was not familiar with.


+1ing and bumping this…

Because I’ve watched 5 different videos on the patch and not a damn one of them explained tempering or Masterworking as well as you did in a simple and concise format.

For those of us that barely been playing this game since launch, this post was immensely more helpful than some ultra sweaty nerd on Youtube just saying the words masterwork, pits, and temper over and over without any context as they rant on about tier lists and spreadsheets.


Why do we have to be forced to play beast of the ice now to get materials to play the game? Why do we have to walk 10 mins through the lair to the boss but every other boss you can just go 1 click real quick everywhere else??? why blizzard WHY

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This is fantastic, thank you.

Masterworking is a dopamine injector. They’re nailing it.

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Nice summary. I believe the pit has changed to a 15 minute timer.


I checked around I believe you are correct, my apologies I’ll change that.

I nearly fainted at the shear awesomeness of this formatting and summary.


Regular beast in ice should not take 10 minutes. They are level 85 just run through them to the boss. Tormented Beast may be a different story.

One thing I read in another patch summary is that rares will only drop with 2 affixes and legendaries can have “up to 3” affixes. This is a pretty big change.

If I’m reading this correctly, will rares be completely useless once we get geared up in WT4? Will we now have to find legendaries with 3 affixes that we want (or 2 affixes we want and enchant the 3rd) and then add more with tempering?


Yes. Ancestral items have 3 affixes plus 2 from tempering. Enchanting works as you’re accustomed. You can enchant before or after tempering, but you cannot enchant a tempered affix. Note that there are also greater affixes that are 50% stronger than normal. Be careful to not enchant a greater affix as it will still re-roll but it is no longer a greater affix.


Well that will certainly be a lot fewer items to review. I hope they get the legendary drop rate in a good place.

I hope they moved the jeweler in the ToW area slightly so you can see it better and not have such a hard time clicking on it. The PTR location was problematic for both visuals and interaction.


*Eats Iggi*



If Michael Jackson could do it in the 90s, the Seneschal can do it!

I can read patch notes on my own but thanks

Thank you very much. I’ve always tried to go from the perspective of some one who knows the basics of D4, but knows literally nothing about the changes coming. Much easier context wise if you start with the basics and then move to the more in depth explanations. My PTR info post was a lot more detailed, this is just a quick summary of what’s coming.

If anyone’s interested though I don’t mind answering questions on stream tonight and tomorrow, to the best of my ability anyway. Easier to show examples on there then here, I know text only goes so far. I’ll be streaming another game regardless, but if people jump in and start asking questions I’ll switch over to D4 just for demonstration purposes.

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Iron Wolves theme essentially, we’ll be helping them out here and there gaining reputation and they will give us rewards. The theme is very light this time around because of all the changes coming.

Not this time around, S5 will probably have a better mechanic, but since this was a major overhaul to itemization this theme is lighter as a side affect. Some players are opting to play on the Eternal Realm to have fun with all of the changes because of this.