ℹ Patch Summary: New Systems, Changes, Caps, & Seasonal Things

But don’t Rares become Legendaries when imprinted with an aspect?

So in that case, if I get a rare with 2 affixes I like, I could imprint an aspect to it (thus converting it to a legendary) and then add more affixes after that?

Rares will always come with 2 affixes regardless if you turn them into legendaries. Now you can temper more affixes onto them without turning them into legendaries, but ultimately rares will always be inferior to dropped or gambled legendaries moving forward.

So even after maximum imprinting (thus turning them into a legendary), temporing, masterworking, and all other forms of enchanting, they will still have one affix less than an item that dropped as a legendary from the beginning?

When adding all of that to a dropped Legendary you are correct. Dropped Legendaries can eventually have up to 5 Affixes with Tempering involved, Rares will only ever have up to 4 affixes with tempering.

And that’s even with them showing as a legendary because they have been imprinted, right? They would then effectively be a legendary with a max of 4 at that point.

Correct again. Rares won’t magically gain a third affix by converting them into a legendary.


thank you for all that info


Summary: Same old pig, different shade of lipstick.

Fantastic job. I was going to read the patch notes to get ready and now it’s easier.
I’ll still read the notes, but I’ll come back to this more in the 1st week.


Aww you put on makeup just to make a reply. Thank you for this. :+1:

I’m not a fan of lipstick though, next time you can leave it off, I won’t tell anyone.



Zero good ideas in over 100 created improvement threads?

You cant even throw me a bone and say 1 good idea?

Why you hate Urza like Bob and others???

Urza try at least.

Bigger issue is why u hate the :goat: aka Iggy???


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Rares have 2 base affixes, Legendaries have 3. If you imprint a rare it sill has 2 base affixes (you cannot gain a third) but can still be tempered.


Great list! Much easier than parsing through the patch notes, which are quite voluminous.

And don’t get why people are jumping on this thread to complain about someone providing a well organized summary. Weird.

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Thanks for posting.

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I mean they don’t really move them, all you need to do is learn how to bookmark, that should not take a 200IQ.

You underestimate the intellect of the avarage forum user. :laughing: Or more like unintellect.

You know what would be fun? If all the “constructively passionate” forum users changed their name to Doggo and we create a Doggo army so it would be easier to recognize good posts.

Nice summary, thanks!

I have never been accused of this. :hamster: :popcorn:

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Good stuff Iggi! Saving this link to my discord server now for our community! Keep it up! :slight_smile:

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