Patch notes announcement

Costs are fine. ITs the :brick: that is an issue. Items are bricking at a rate of about 5x what I expected.

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Well - Since the streamers are the biggest whiners
 We will probably get massive 95% gold and material nerf. Just so they can find new ways to faster create broken immune pit builds to skip all mechanics :wink:


You guys do realize they’ll be posting the notes on the D4 website right? Like they’ve always done. I’d even put money down they will update or make a new sticky at the top of the forums for it as well.

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Yeah, so why not put the announcements down, as well? As noted, not everybody uses tweeter, or whatever the hell it is called now.


That’s a battle we’ve been fighting for a long time. It’s also thanks to people like the OP and Avalon that we stay up to date. It shouldn’t be this way of course, but sadly I don’t see it changing anytime soon either.

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Wonder what qol changes he is referencing.


Sounds like its ready now with Console Testing and Certification holding things back a week.

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I’d do it, but I’m a curmudgeon and don’t have any desire for FB/Twitter.

Now get off my lawn!


auto plus 1 for curmudgeon

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I see them “fixing” holy bolt issues with necro/druid and “toning down” bosses in pit. Maybe even fix the horse they broke.


7 words you dont want to hear from Blizzard:

some QoL items based off community feedback



Should be fine.

WE might get pit bosses toned down which is fine. The 1 shots are out of control.

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Don’t roll those GA 3 items just yet :sweat_smile:

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Its so stupid to announce announcement of notes instead just announce exact patch notes. It completely ok do it the day before patch
 but this is d4 team
 announcers of announcements

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Sure they wont change this

I dont think they could unless they are looking for ppl to play 1-2 days a season.

I think it would be ability to remember last pit lvl choice. Its always set to your highest lvl now
 aaaand thats all. Its d4 team, they need a year to make some serious changes and deploy it with tons of bugs to public completely without testing

BL sorc in season 2 was bugged, didn’t get nerfed
Charge Barb in Season 3 was overtuned, didn’t get nerfed

Mid season nerfs are not things they’re willing to do willy-nilly anymore. They’re still reeling from the massive nerfings backlash pre-season 1.

They’ll fix things that are like bugs in code, but poorly thought out blizzard math that’s doing what they configured it to do is not going to get nerfed.

Buff other skills up to par then if they aren’t going to nerf anything.

They won’t nerf minion necro this season. They might for s5 but they’ve had plenty of data and testing to know minion necro was going to be OP. The fact of the matter is, they don’t mind it. Too many people cried about nerfs in the past, so now they’re never going to nerf something heavily mid-season unless it has crazy bugs breaking the game.