Patch notes announcement

Bash will either get toned down, or other generators brought up. Guess which one I’m betting on? Blizzard is pretty clear they don’t want generator builds, especially high performing ones.

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Cant tell you how infuriating it is to stagger boss and then still die to an attack of the boss. Should a staggered boss fight back? What is the whole point of stagger if boss can still fight?


Should your thorns go off if you’re cc’d? A question for the ages…

I will say yes and do bosses have thorns? I dont think they do.

Their mechanics still going off while staggered is their thorns. At this point I’m just trying to go with Blizzard logic.

I hear your perspective, but I’m not sure that’s true…

70+ pit is difficult for literally ALL of the unbugged or undertuned builds.

Heartseeker - bugged, gonna get nerfed
Minion necro- bugged, gonna get nerfed
Bash barb - highest actually tuned build in the game. Gonna get nerfed
Firebolt sorc - broken, gonna be nerfed.

Sure plenty of builds can scrape to 100 ish, but I wouldn’t say 80 is easy and 2/3 is the run is the boss.

i would like them to fix Tyreal’s might so minions also do the bolts. right now they don’t which sucks

also failing attempts on beast in ice as the debuff carry over to the following attempt if you get 5+ debuffs i found.

i doubt either will be fixed, but i can only hope!

Im fine if thorns is what is killing me but its not. ITs all the other stuff. IF it was thorns the screen would be clear and I would just whittle away. Its not thorns killing me.

We have 200 tiers of the pit. It’s not like you will lack hard content anyway. The Pit bosses are overturned compared to the mobs. Expecting more balance is only fair. Allowing more build varieties to get past 50-60 to get top tier mats will not hurt the game with only very few builds used to push the 100 plus. And some of those builds are obviously bugged and broken.

No no you misunderstand, I’m saying by Blizzards logic it’s their form of thorns. It’s the only way they can retaliate when staggered. I’m not saying it’s actually thorns. Remember Blizzard logic here.

When you have eliminated all known logic, whatever remains, however improbable, must be Blizzard logic.

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Oh I agree with you.

But then, there are posters all over this forum complaining about unable to complete 50-61. I can link them if you’d like. Here’s a few gems.

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how do you conclude this? the game seems nerfed and based around people that play 12 hours plus a day doesn’t it, i never been able to keep up with changes that happened in seasons 1-2 weeks, because while i am still in wt3 they are doing 100 plus content and crying are they not? people of course exsist in between all of that, for example i am only at the pit now, level 70 ish playing most days but not for 12hours but i know how to play i am not a beer and chips controller D4 player by any means.

The good ol announcement about the announcement. :joy:

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We’ll see if they stick to the no nerfs during a season. That being said it could be some sort of buggee interaction and that’s where the damage is coming from. I haven’t actually played it yet. Been trying to get WW double swing dust devils to be decent.

They should definitely fix the bleed thing though that’s just stupid. And the leap in place thorns build or change leap to hop if they keep it.

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“some QoL items based off community feedback.”

Iggi must have called Adam to complain about a few things.


Agree. Twitter is much much bigger shthole then reddit or forum


Fix the dang grouping issues. Error code 316751. Error code this and that. Never had so many isses trying to get group going with every person having to relog twice while tapping their tummy and jumping on one leg.

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:rofl: Oddly enough I have endorsed a few QoL suggestions people have had on these forums. Nothing major though, just minor things, like the horse slowing down when you enter towns kind of thing.

I am curious what they’ll be adding though.

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THIS!!! :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: 1000 upvotes, if I could. Do not presently have a tweety account, never had one, and don’t foresee myself having one at any time in the foreseeable future. I think I’d rather get a root canal or take the SAT’s again.


Here’s hoping they don’t overreact from the whiners and nerf gold and material costs by 90%

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