Patch Notes 10.29.2024

He’s still going to get 1 shot they wasted time implementing this into the game for nothing.

Still no balance changes. So stupid.

wow now everything changes…

Incorrect every class has made it to 110

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All those notes and still nothing pointing towards adding in Auction House or an Overlaymap… sigh maybe in the next one!

Because there is no loot/aspect/ancestral issue. People are just mad they can’t fully max everything in two weeks.

WRONG all classes can get to pit 100 go take a look on youtube there are videos all over the play with all kinds of characters that are as well hitting for billions. And just to give you a little bit of info the spirit born has not been around for a year it’s only a few weeks old what did you expect it happens in every game every time they add in a new character they need the time to get the data and rework it and get it balanced in. They can’t just fold their arms wiggle their nose and nod their head and POOF like magic it’s all fixed overnight!

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I am glad I am deciding to wait 1 year to maybe buy the expansion in hopes they get this utter garbage ironed out.

I think people are leaving out the most important part of these patch notes;

  • Fixed an issue where the Diadem of the Ancient cosmetic would drop as a normal item from Lord Zir.

Also for the 100th time, balancing issues would be addressed in the mid season patch. Anyone expecting it here is silly.

Increased gem fragments cap? Why? It supposed to stay like now but should’nt drop when You reach cap. Why do we need more fragments where in end-game - gems are useless, totally
You will make 3 skulls, 4 gems each category and thats it. Lol - i had 999.999 fragments, now i get how many? 5x? 10x? :rofl:

I still remember they further buffed HoTA barb in the s2’s mid season patch lmao. Always expect the dumbest crap and this team will deliver for sure

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Anyone else still not getting Sparks from killing echo of Lilith or the other ways we are supposed to get them? No mention of this bug here and it was supposed to be fixed in the last patch. I can’t even craft a mythic with all the right runes because sparks won’t drop.

Imagine playing through the entire season story, killing all the tormented bosses including Lilith, finishing the iron wolves line and only getting one resplendent spark. Then killing all those bosses again after the 2.0.3 patch and still no sparks. Yep but no mention of that bug here…

incredible… do they not fix Spirit Born ???
I mean, really, no SB fix ???
this game become pathetic…

“Gee let’s make ourselves look busy by fixing a ton of trivial stuff and passing it off an important-looking lengthy patch note that contains nothing useful.”


The description for Seething Opals now additionally indicates that the additional loot chance also applies to end-of-run loot, such as the Pit or Kurast Undercity.

There must be a glitch. Because I will use seething opal for socketables, run undercity with rune tribute, and get four runes for max attunement. No matter how many runs I do. While doing undercity with rune tribute and no seething opal for socketables, you get four runes for max attunement.

That opal doesn’t seem to function in undercity.

There’s no spark for the seasonal questline (Zakarum remnants) but there is one for the season journey. This is not bugged.

I still only got a single spark for the seaons journey, and nothing for killing Lilith or anything other tormented bosses… even after the 2.0.3 patch. I killed her and all the other bosses again and nothing… the patch didn’t fix my account. You need at least 2 sparks to craft a mythic.

The fix to gems was easy: remove three 000 for anything dropping or requiring gems. It’s ridiculous that we drop 16,000 gem fragments in IH, and require 100k fragments for the biggest gem.

Tune down all these numbers and problem solved. Instead we will end up with millions of gem fragments and yet scroll of tempering that can only stack to 20… wth.

Finally: Fixed an issue where players on controller could not pick up items dropped in the same place as Tormented Boss altars.