Patch Notes 10.29.2024

A really good batch of fixes. Run into several of these bugs/issues myself.

Nice see spiritboring got a few fixes, but doubt these will address the balance issues.

Yeah, the mounts using up evade charge’s has pissed me off being an Evade SB. I’m like why the hell am I dismounting and have no charges and even worse, it acts like I just used one and have to wait the 4 seconds for the cooldown.

Me looking at all the dark citadel changes. Also me not doing it because i play this game mostly SOLO. Please let us do this by ourselves. This isnt wow. I dont want raids.


I sincerely hope that they are holding back some notes for major fixes that need to happen to SB to bring some fun back to the game for everyone else.

Usually those things that would be related to balance issues don’t come until the mid season patch. These minor patches are typically just bug fixes.

still no fix for Bold Chieftain aspect … .what the hell blizzard?


From a certain perspective THIS is totally bad decision

I guess it’s a M&K vs Controller issue decision but better make it an Option to choose on the Gameplay menu rather than a “bug fix” which frankly is not

Also, make that generic for all the skills of this kind that are closers

gotta have something for SB to beat up on for more than 2 seconds

Absolutely hilarious that they frame every patch change as “Fixed an issue…” like everything is a bug and was unintentional. It shows the level of incompetence of this dev team.

Yeah. This feels pretty bad. I have very little faith that they’ll do anything to adjust it mid-season.

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I love that they made the undercity bargains apply to the goblin chest but there’s no mention of fixing the bugs with bargains and tributes not working to begin with unless I missed it but I don’t think I did

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All classes less spiritborn are unable to pass PIT 85/86 and hardly will reach level 90.

How do you expect people level glyphs up to 100 without any external help ?

This sucks Blizzard. You should think better about this kind of balance.

Its unbelievable that after 1 year and half you guys still didn´t found a good point of balance x power required to do basic thing in this game.

You guys change things but don´t think about all the aspects and impacts these changes brings to the game. Sounds like a group amateurs doing a game for hobby.


…but that would cost gold. Yes, billions are floating around, but the point is that Blizzard has designed the entire gem system poorly and to partially remedy it, players must spend gold.

You can trasmute gems to other gems burning them all. The blizzard fix of increase the number it s useless. They should increase it by 100000% but prolly they increased it by 10% lmao.

Can we ride on his back yet?

They honestly know about these issues but they have tasks delegated. This is a C suite issue. The C suite SUCKS and doesn’t understand the issues at hand.

Don’t blame the devs. I’m not even sure the team lead is to blame, it’s the crap corporate structure.

I know, but it’s time consuming. The entire gem system is terrible, and has been since launch.

What I want to see:

“Druid - Improved Stormseeker Tornado tracking and Tornado movement speed. Damage increased by 45%”

“Barbarian - Damage of all Core skills increased by 80%”

“Sorcerer - Damage of all Core skills increased by 80%”

“Rogue - Damage of all Core skills increased by 80%”

“Necromancer - Damage of all Core skills increased by 80%”

“Spiritborn - Damage of all Core skills decreased by 30%”

Or something thereof that equals out to that effect.

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Raheir recently said “Too easy for warriors like us.” after finishing a pit. Now that’s more like it, Raheir!

How about fixing the issue with Undercity Shrines granting empowerment when a player utilizes Banished Lords talisman, making resource costs 20 and I can’t damage anything and I fail the timers because it takes me 10 skills to get the overpower and my damage, completely locking me out of being able to utilize the Undercity content. Get rid of the stupid resource cost reduction to Empowerment. I cannot play Undercity with Overpower Banished Lords build