Patch Notes 10.29.2024

It’s a huge list, check it out here…


Nothing listed will fix loot/aspect/ancestral issues. It’s now obvious to even me that bliz has no intention of listening or making the game fun again. I’ll see you guys most likely next season.


Only one worthwhile is the dismount. Realm walker double health tho :frowning_with_open_mouth:


wow! Spiritborn got nerfed beyond recognition, from hitting 586.999T to only hitting 586.998T. time to reroll!

  • The Gem Fragment cap has been significantly increased.

They should have lead with that


Very underwhelming issues fixed…


We rly needed this, half my screen is full with gem fragments in IH.

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I feel like I’m playing a game of clue.

How did the Jeweler end up in the Kurast Training Ground Room?

Really? then post what you are talking about

Gonna go cry and hug my doggos now.

The most hilarious part is all the Dark Citadel bugs that were fixed.

I havent seen a single person complaining about those bugs in allll the posts about all the bugs this season. I was reading that section like “wtf?”.

That just shows how many people dont do or care about DC :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Glaringly obviously omitted:

  • Fixed an issue where ancestrals failed to drop at appropriate frequency based on torment level.
  • Fixed an issue where higher roll legendary affixes failed to appear on ancestral items.
  • Fixed an issue where non-Spiritborn classes are only doing 0.0000001% of their damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Raheir repeatedly says “Quite the challenge” when you’re clearly killing it.



So when you say ancestrals are you referring to the ones that have all the affixes you’re targeting or just ancestral in general?

Those are not real patch notes. But they should be.

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Rupture has been bugged since literally this game’s launch, people have figured out what causes it (when the second part of Rupture rolls a Lucky Hit, it causes it to heal the Bleed damage instead of removing it) and they still refuse to do anything about it.
Why does Blizzard hate Barbarian so much?


I’ll do you one better, they completely omitted touching barbs at all. But gave Spiritborn an entire section and all remaining classes a subsection. Rupture heal has been the death of every bleed barb I build because that’s what I want to play. They’ve nerfed bleed aspect interactions to point of being completely not viable and now it’s mighty throw or nothing. My playtime just keeps dwindling.

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Shame they aren’t fixing the blacksmith cache they broke in one of the recent patches. They purposely stated it had no level restriction when they introduced it. Now it’s LV 60 only which makes absolutely zero sense at all as it’s useless at that point.

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You could remedy the issue now by crafting gems and placing them into your stash or outright selling them…

they have a weird way of “doubling down on the fun.”

Everything is worse.


Patch Notes: " * The Realmwalker’s health has doubled."

So they sped him up to make him faster and now slowed him down with a higher health pool? Am I understanding that right?