Overpower is a huge problem in this game

Too many builds rely 100% on overpower. This has caused blizzard to try and repeatedly fail at balancing classes because all the damage is being stacked into one bucket.

Overpower needs a systemic redesign and all classes need to be designed to use multiple methods of damage without them all going into one big multiplier bucket.

I feel like blizzard is so far off track on their design they may never recover.


Can you elaborate a little more on what you see as the problem with overpower. And perhaps would would make it better. When I see feedback like this for the projects I work on I find it hard to do anything with. It’s like telling some you don’t like the color of the wall after they painted a room. They have nothing to work from so are they supposed to just randomly pick a new color and hope you like that one?

With this feedback blizzard has nothing to work from so they’d be shooting in the dark to fix it if they actually tried to.


Problem I see with overpower is they made it based on this 3% chance and then made so many ways to make it 100% chance instead like with BLT.

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I disagree, much is given up to reach 275 for blt…and without ovrpwr even fewer non sb survive t4

You just described the problem. It’s becoming the new Crit/Vuln of this game.

It does hurt build diversity if that is what you mean…and by hurt i mean almost kills build diversity 8p

Without overpower mechanic at least 5 barb builds will be dead.

Haha did you mean vuln instead of bulb? I agree though you get one or more of these to proc as often as possible. That’s the name of the game. Then blizz gets mad that we make it happen too much so they nerf it.

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Yes, they destroyed vulnerable and then made overpower better in its place. Bliz logix.

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All the damage problems in this game boil down to the Diablo team being like Malibu Stacy and saying, “Math is hard!”

Nobody there seems to know what “a 50% increase” means or where it should be applied. The entire testing process seems to taking a level 30 Druid to the testing dummies and see if the numbers go up by about the right amount.

Nobody checks stacked damage types, potions and elixirs, and paragon interactions… it’s all so poorly designed and tested we’re guaranteed to get something broken every time anything changes.

None of sorc build rely on overpower, many of spirit born build also not rely on overpower. Especially Rod Of Kepeleke is getting a heavy nerf next season. I am not sure why you have concern about balancing in Overpower.

Overpower is a good design, which encourage players to increase their defense with Max life and fortification instead of go all glass canon DPS build.

Tell that to my Blood Surge Necro with 9700% overpower damage (also 100% crit chance and 1200% crit damage) that does 1/10th the damage of a moderately equipped spiritborn.

Heres a different idea, dont “redesign overpower” and instead make everything else more valuable. %20(x) for vulnerable enemies is nothing.

There will always be one stat at least slightly better than the others and the theory crafters will find it and everyone else will stack into it.

That’s not the issue. The issue is how many different multiplier is there? Which of those multiplier has the highest value? Then how much can we stack those multiplier?

Spot on assessment.


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oh the irony…
remember when Vuln was top stat?
[devs nerf vuln]

remember when everyone built crit?

[devs nerf crit]

ppl build Overpower now

we know outcome will be nerf to overpower.

Balance is the dev’s weakness be it mechanics or classes.

Basically what I said. There will always be a best stat to stack. It will be found and used.