Summary / TL;DR: Blood Necros that are focusing on Overpower and trying to have build flexibility by not using the Corpse Tendrils Aspect that increases crit damage are very weak against higher level monsters. Something needs to change.
I just reached level 100, and my Blood Surges are doing 500k damage, which is really good against monsters my level. But when I go into higher tier Nightmare Dungeons, I have a few problems that I think need to be addressed somehow:
- Paranormal Blood Surge only getting a stack to Overpower if you’re Healthy (above 80% life) is a very big problem in higher tier NM dungeons, as any hit from the weakest mob will take you lower than that. I think this condition should be removed/replaced/reworked to make the skill feel good
- Paranormal Blood Surge and Supernatural Blood Lance (ops, someone swapped the names, Blizz) needing stacks to Overpower means Attack Speed and Essence Generation/Refund are a must to increase DPS, but Overpower damage is still so weak compared to Crit/Vulnerable
- Even if above skills Overpowered on every use, they would still be weaker than Bone Spears. Even if above skills didn’t have an Essence cost, they would still be weaker than Bone Spears.
- Overpower damage formula either needs to be changed so that Overpower portion gets multiplied by all other damage modifiers, or some huge buffs are needed to take it to the right level of balance
I would very much prefer that the formula got adjusted, its ridiculous that its not clear in game that some damage modifiers apply to Overpower damage, while others do not:
- Int = No
- Willpower = Yes
- % Life = Yes
- +% Damage = No
- +% Critical Damage = No
- +% Vulnerable Damage = No
- +% Overpower Damage = Yes
- +% Core Skill Damage = No
- +% Damage after Picking Up Blood Orb = No
- +% Damage while Fortified = No
- +% Damage while Healthy = No
- +% Damage to Injured Enemies = No
- +% Damage to Healthy Enemies = No
- +% Damage to Close Enemies = No
- +% Damage to Distant Enemies = No
- +% Damage to Stunned Enemies = No
- +% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies = Don’t know, Control glyph apparently works
- +% Blood Skill Damage = Don’t know, apparently works
- Imperfectly Balanced passive skill = Yes
- Skill Rank = No
- Fueled by Death passive skill = No
- Death’s Embrace passive skill = No
- Death’s Reach passive skill = Yes
- Amplify Damage passive skill = Yes
- Tides of Blood passive skill = Yes
- Coalesced Blood passive skill = Yes
- Blood Begets Blood legendary node = No
- Bone Graft legendary node = No
- Bloodbath legendary node = Yes with skill stacks, No with Rathma’s Vigor key passive
- Scent of Death legendary node = Yes
- Flesh-eater legendary node = No
- Sacrificial glyph additional bonus = Yes
- Blighted aspect = No
- Inner Calm aspect = No
- Nightmare Dungeon affix “Monsters take 60% less damage from Overpowered attacks” = No (maybe it just takes your full Overpower Damage, which is around 2k at level 100, and reduces 60, so almost no reduction in DPS)
Above is based on my own tests and some info I’ve seen in other posts or videos. If anyone disagrees, please test and provide some evidence, so that others can try and reproduce test to confirm.
If you have info on other stuff that does/doesn’t work, please share as well - would be nice to compile a list somewhere.