Overall Game Speed is too Fast

Can be all of the above.

Gear check > can you kill her before she starts immuning every .2 seconds?
If fail >
Skill check > can you dodge all of the various patterns of waves on the ground to avoid stacking the exponentiating buff too high?
If fail >
RNG check > do you get wave patterns in lucky enough formations that you manage to not get stacks by pure luck?
If fail >
You dead.

And that is part of the problem its now tuned to only play that way, so you may like it that way, But its not fun for everyone.

It just isn’t there is a great campaign with great boss fights, side quest with dungeons, cellars, OpenWorld, capstone skill checks that lead into basically a difficulty setting.

Seamless design flaw there, it was a nice idea, but doesn’t work for two reasons. 1. players like yourself that are only interested in endgame. which is fine, but my god drop the take of thats all the game is and play other arpgs. please. just please.

and two, not all players will have the skill to make it to Torment mode, thus locking them out of the content.

Which leads to the current issues. of the way the game does and doesn’t provide a game for players.

Trying new things is part of gaming development, but some things done for many years like difficulty settings, i think look at what has worked in the last 20-30 years and maybe just do that.

The system works. So use it, no point being innovative if it doesn’t work

100% truth. Leveling in season 0 was a bit too slow and just boring because of lack of content and itemization. But now it is a bit too fast and they power creeped the game like hell, any content other that high lvl pits is just oneshot kill, entire screen of mobs just dies instantly with use of 1 ability.

The game didn’t shift to D2, it shifted to an MMO.

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Levelling in games is ruined these days its all about the “endgame” and everyone rushes to it and levelling is seen as a annoyance. I miss Diablo 2’s way, slow levelling, can put more than 5 points into a skill and decent made difficulties, End game is a meme a curse even I never understood why people would hate pit runs etc. but then this is an MMO now not an ARPG and everyone wants to be a hamster in a wheel…

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A lot of khazra droppings. Unless your playing barb, I highly doubt you’ve outscaled the game and one tap bosses 100 levels above you. Even on barb, thats a lot of trillions of gold to get there. As for d2 influence, I laugh at you, how many seconds usually takes a group to off Bhaal some months into a season? Meaningful experience and positioning - go to a hellspire with profane mindcage and no masterworking (so you don’t bruteforce it) and see how you dodge the laser, the explosion, the meteors and the hellmarked mechanic at the same time.

This, the community (thanks in part to the internet) has optimized the fun out of this type of game. And the devs have been struggling to reshape it while still keeping the core identity.

As soon as you ignore the meta, and try to crafts builds with your own understanding, there’s a lot more fun in this game.

dude, did you ever play this season? Power of character is so insane everything dies with 1 hit, profane mindcage active or not. I spent 20 hours on sorcerer frozen orb, been clearing pit80, every other content in the game is an auto clicker. Made a necro, random legendary items i picked from the ground, no masterwork, just put some random tempers - unlocked WT4 with 40 lvl on the character and been running helltide with profane mindcage on. So stop your delusions because it is a pure fact that the game speed is too fast and the difficulty (other than high lvl pits) is non existent.

Because D4 is not your typical ARPG. It has MMO elements which helps retention

They would have to rework the whole loot drop chance for this to happen, already took me half the season to get one perfectly tempered 3GA item and it’s not perfectly masterworked still lol, any slower then this, they would need to change season time frames and make them longer

Honestly feel like people who say this are not even doing 100+ in the pit, and… why stop gearing before you even reach 100?

You can’t please all the people all of the time Problem is these who speak for others and somehow always trying to change what affects others’ gameplay.

Yep. Agreed. The game is getting way too fast. At this rate they might just as well get rid of WT1-3 and we all start on WT4 at the equivalent of level 50. The first 50 levels are pointless. We spend like 2 hours in WT2 and 3. I doubt anyone ever play WT1 anymore. It’s a shame. D4 is turning into D3 faster with every patch :frowning:

Easy to offer both player types what they want, will they? who knows.

Not even for fast levelling the systems are no longer synced and its kind of feels off to play to me.

Still optimal would be options for me to run the game in the difficulty setting i choose and thus effect my curve and leveling speed as i progress through the WTs

For me this is a long term solution i hope they are working on.

The devs said they were intentionally trying to get people to the end game content faster. The earlier game content is dull. If they made it more interesting, I don’t think players would mind taking more time.

I could not disagree more. The game is still too much of an endless time grind. Leveling seemed like it still could use another 100% XP boost even during Gobbo Event. There is almost no power at all for say, a paragon node, or a single skill point. You don’t know what you’re asking for. I saw for the first time ever, actual crowds in game, since launch, and now people are crying oh this is bad??

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We would be in violent agreement in person. I would go further with this argument and say that the leveling process should probably just be culled. If the game is so hyper focused on gear obtaining, then the player should just start right in and waste no time leveling. This gear grind should be gated like WoW where certain item “power” level is used as a benchmark to gauge where a player should be accessing certain dungeons/bosses.

Right now, item power level doesn’t really mean anything. Barbarians can enter certain content at a much lower item power level than a druid. Even if the druid and barbarian were on the same item power level, barbarians would feel far and beyond better.

On the other hand, they could implement a “infinite” leveling system…like paragon in D3. This would in effect slow down the power trip. It would take forever to reach certain levels, but you would also always have something to attain in any given play session. This would make certain tiers or bosses take much longer in tier progression and force the player to gain gear AND a certain level before accessing certain content.

Right now, gaining gear can happen very quickly, or never… AND leveling to 100 takes no time at all. It feels pointless to play this game for less than or equal to 3 months and never obtain BiS. The fun comes from trying to figure out how to beat certain tier bosses and having the tools to do it. If you never obtain the necessary tools, then what’s the point?

In D3, we were actually given the tools in the form of gear set bonuses through seasonal progression. Then, we were able to enhance those tools or exchange the tools for others, in the form of set bonuses, found throughout a player’s gameplay. On top of this, we were given the ability to always attain something for time invested through infinite paragon levels. It was an all-around win-win.

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This in reference to nm dungeons mostly. Pit tiers too, but I don’t grind as deep as others, so maybe I am just overpowered for what I am allowed to do, since pit tiers are gated.

NMD is no longer a push content. Pit has replaced it. Hence the game powercreeped towards pit. Yes all builds are overpowered for NMD 100. Its a speed content now, no different to helltide.

There are a lot of problems with your reply to me. Why don’t you try and say something constructive instead of being how you are.

I like the game a lot right now, I don’t think it needs to be a D2 clone.

The current leveling process for the game is way too fast. Hitting 100 is boring for people who don’t want to grind Pit, like you implied I do. Slowing down the leveling process, making the combat more engaging across the board will be better for people that prefer the leveling process and for people that want to grind end game.