Overall d4 beta feedback: flawed and fantastic

If you’re going to drop the Procedural Generation for Dungeons and Cellars, then you cant go for boring copy paste, you need to go all in on Bespoke Custom areas that feel unique.

No dungeon or cellar should be identical to any other, it feels super lazy; rotated but identical is not ‘new’.

Doing the same “find the thing, put it on the pedestal” over and over is also not fun given how often it happens, there needs to be more variety in how dungeons progress.

The outdoor event where you stand on the circle to fill up the runes with blood is a cool fantasy interaction but the circle is too small, its easy to step off of it unintentionally.

Finding the statues of Lillith was a chore that once done you’re relived its over, not glad you spent the time to do it, its not fun; is this is a once per account or a per-season thing you have to repeat? if so …make it once ever, not seasonal.

Finding them should be more impactful in the moment with the reward you get and accompanied by bombastic fanfare, they should be more rare and difficult to uncover, there are way too many.
I dont want “plus 2 dex for all characters” are you trying to bore me to death? give me a skill point! THAT i would care abt.
Why are they statues of lillith? why do we want them? who put them there?
wouldnt it be statues of inarius if we are nephalem and the angels are the good guys here?

Treasure goblin loot is underwhelming, sometimes you dont even get a single legendary; it should be guaranteed to drop at least 2 or 3 for how rare they are; why are there no packs? only one goblin type?
They should drop traps and fight back at least a little.
They should attack with gold themed skills, drop tiny treasure boxes to make you stumble, throw coin purses at you, have summons which come out of treasure boxes, attack you with the items they’re going to drop!
There should be a treasure goblin only loot, like “Treasure Goblin Sack” where it expands your max inventory.

Having them drop 3 gold is not even remotely interesting…its kind of insulting; they should drop ITEMS as they run away. if they’re dropping gold it should be constantly gushing out in a ridiculous fashion, like blood splurting out of a person who got tagged by an uppercut in mortal kombat. As you damage them they drop even MORE gold as they run away, eventually its a river of gold as they near death.

Right now they’re Auto-Feared treasure chests you must chase…its not compelling really.
its like we’ve gone back in time and ignored all the progress D3 made.

Overall presentation from graphics, to tone, music and sounds, its all fantastic, you guys n gals really nailed it with d4, its not a disappointing sanitized mass market paint by numbers discussed to death in a focus group soulless cash grab Candy Land Happy Time like d3 was; d4 is a proper sequel to d2.
it actually feels amazing to be in the game’s world experiencing the sights and sounds.
i am genuinely excited for the story and to see what happens to the denizens of sanctuary.
I want to be able to side with Lillith, Inarius seems like a selfish childish fool; the story is compelling but i have zero agency, im on a universal studios ride and the path is set.
This is a video game, not a movie! i am a player not a passive watcher.
I DO NOT want to bow to inarius…i reject kings and queens, celestial beings are “superior” and must be bowed to?
you have not earned my praise or respect
What inarius demands is blind OBEDIENCE and reverence of his titles and station
to that i say NO.

The gameplay feels fast and crisp, its great.
The dodgeroll is cool, im glad its there; but you have to do more with it.
If i dodge an especially deadly attack do i get a temp stats buff?
does it make the cooldown come back faster?
does it do anything?
nope, i just avoided damage…zzz.

The customization of Legendary Aspects is a neat twist instead of doing Kanai’s Cube 2.0; but im not excited abt sharing inventory space with aspects…
Do i really need to wonder “which of these 5 copies of the same Aspect is the one i should use”.
or “did i leave the one i want in my player inventory…or the bank? which bank tab?”

Its wild that they do not have unique icons; instead its the “icon of the type”…so i end up with 20 of the same icon and i have to re-mouse over them every single time i want to find what im looking for.
All aspects should just be in the codex and always selectable.
I do not want to re-earn the same drops over and over each time i attach it to an item.
You could just make the attached Aspect detachable…why is it married to the new item forever?
I think the “item” part of the Aspect system is entirely unnecessary, just rip it out.

Its going to be very easy to quickly run out of space with all the items; having aspects be in their own menu like resources would be better, there’s already enough items to juggle and move around and organize.

Why would i waste an aspect on a 3 stat yellow when i should use it on a 4 or 6 stat legendary?
Are some powers aspect only and will never show up in the codex?
Just make it unlock in the codex the first time you pick it up; remove the barriers to fun.

Why are some items “irreplaceable” with a warning dialogue?
if they’re that important then give them a unique icon.
Do they do anything special later?
Why would i want to save them if their stats suck?

Gems & Skulls should be in the resources tab, not actual inventory, they’re boring to pick up and deal with, they just take up space for no good reason.
There is an offhand Sorcerer item that looks like a skull and has a similar name; remove it or change the look and name, its confusing for them to be so similar.

The stats tab should be the default, not collectable resources.

the icons in the ui are too plain…some are single color? it all blends together into a grey mush.

We have Keyboards Not Phones, enable more simultaneous skills to be bound and usable; dont tell me you did this to force it onto console…tell me you learned this lesson already.

Bosses have some variance with where the damage mechanics are located on the ground but i know you can do better; its all an exceptionally basic “dont stand in fire”

The world boss was fun to fight as a large group but its just a damage sponge with 1shot attacks, it was cool but not fun overall; i have no connection to the randoms that show up to the fight.
We’re left hoping they’re leveled up with good skills and builds and the boss doesnt despawn before the timer expires.

The open world is neat.
Needing a loading screen for a cellar or dungeon is lame and breaks the flow.

There are some packs of monsters here and there but there’s no rhyme or reason to most of it, it all feels randomly populated.

The main town area feels alive with all the npcs and their dialogue.
The smaller towns with quests are alright too.

There should be a way to seek out remaining quests for an area, like when you’re in a dungeon and it shows red dots for the remaining monsters.

Melee combat looks rough…needing to chase monsters around like that does not look fun, im glad i played a ranged Sorceress.
I normally love playing rogues or melee or some kind of dual wield sneaky character, but not this time, it looks tiring.

Thanks for all your hard work so far, im sure you have many late nights behind and ahead of you, its good overall but doesnt feel like its ready for launch tbh.


Couldn’t agree more with your feedback

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Is if Friday already?

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

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