Open Beta - Issues and feedback I wanted to provide


I played only on PC during the open beta.

  • One of the big problems I saw it was not able to skip cutscene during a group for some reason. When I started a party I was able to skip cutscnes and conversations but when the other person did in this case my fiancee. She was able to skip cutscenes and conversations but not me.
    When I played alone it was not so much problem on that it was sometimes but not as often like when playing in groups.

  • Able to zoom out more in the abilities tree. So I can check all the spells at the same time. Had been nice.

  • Some peromance issues like lagging when you for instance enter or leave a town the characther was teleported back but I think that is a common issue cause it was beta and you still working on it, but wanted to tell that anyway.

Some feedback:

  • Able to track one or more side quests. It was annoying that you can only track one a the time. Please increase the limit. And might even campign quests. My suggestion as least 10 at the time or something like that.

  • In town the NPC that you can buy use currency as “Blood Shards in Diablo 3” the distance between salvage/sell/stash items are too far away from each other this not a crritical just a suggestion to maybe move it closer or it’s just me cause I use to Diablo 3.

  • Wanted to do a keybind like when you pressing space it close all the Windows, I didn’t see if you was able to change it there but it had been a nice thing to do.

But overhall I liked the game I played up to level 22 on both Sorcerer and Rogue, also tested to level 8 at Druid but didn’t have more time to do it.
I think its more to do in the game to fix the game so maybe you have to delay it.
But had a good experience with the beta.

Kind Regards