Mostly played with a group. Some playtime was solo.
Open World Events, Strongholds, World bosses were fun to play with a group
Open World areas are easy to understand and navigate. The marking system was very useful. Although, markers show up for other group members, it doesn’t path to the marker unless you also mark it. would be nice to toggle between pathing and just a marker.
Respecing skills was super easy and appropriately priced.
I like the options of skills available. However, the additional nodes didn’t seem impactful enough.
[Challenging Shout] felt extremely impactful. Although subsequent points in the skill didn’t feel impactful enough to get.
[REND] felt very useful but may have cost slightly too much Fury to use. Since it’s cleave has a smaller area than some other skills, I feel it should be cast more than 2/3 times with a full fury meter. The nodes felt useful too but i feel those nodes could be separate from the Rend skill as their own passive nodes.
[Upheval] felt okay to use. the animation is very slow though.
I like the inventory storage system. every item having it’s own slot feels better than a tetris style inventory.
I like the story so far.
I liked the side quests. each felt slightly different and there’s enough that there is always something more to do.
- I never felt like common and Magic items were very useful.
- Basic skills are extremely underwhelming to use. They never felt impactful and were only a means to get Fury to use other skills. Spending time to gain fury just felt slow (even with using Frenzy with high attack speed).* Passive nodes on most skills are also underwhelming.
- You’re forced to use skill points to advance to the next cluster in the skill tree, even if you don’t want any skill points in a previous mastery. Example. If I wanted to have a build around [Kick], [Commanding Shout], and [Rupture], and wanted to max their effectiveness I need to waste points on core and basic skills to reach the others.
- suggestion Each Active Skill has it’s own mastery with a small web (let’s say 10 -15) of passive nodes that effect that skill in different ways. A separate web for all universal Passive skills too. I think this would make each skill feel more impactful and unique to the player.
- Open world mobs felt a little too easy to defeat.
- [Bash] felt very underwhelming as a Fury generator. it was extremely slow and made almost no impact with damage delt.
- I got stuck crossing areas by an invisible wall. walking out of screen and back again fixed the error
- At the start of a Dungeon, our group of 3 people got stuck on the loading screen. manually closing the game was the only fix
- A few instances of rubber banding
- The Vhenard boss fight begins if one party member skips the cinematic while others are still watching it. This is inconsistant with other boss fights where everyone needs to be through the cinematic for the fight to start.