On the Significance of Skill Trees in Gaming

This is apparently the person who came up with the idea. I’m not sure there’s a way of putting this diplomatically… him expressing that he “geeks out on” obvious synergies with his character’s build is just embarrassing. I sat through most of the developer update. The very senior people from previous streams at least leave an impression, all these other people, who themselves are fairly senior (but noticeably young), very much including their class guy… I don’t know what to write. Let’s put it this way. I was very tempted to just leave my post count at 666 and move on. These people just don’t have the minds for doing anything remotely special. It’s disappointing. It’s not even meant as an insult at this point. I’m literally shaking my head.

God bless them though, they are making money.


They won’t be making money much longer brother.

Everybody gets a trophy mentality, but when they execute on the everybody gets a trophy, the trophy they give the PvP community is the same trophy you give the last place kids in baseball.

To put it simply, they didn’t give the PvP community anything. That crap zone isn’t for the PvP community. It’s for blizzard to be able to say “look at release there was PvP!”

Somewhere at blizzard headquarters rn “why is the PvP community of Diablo 4 so upset, we gave them PvP, come on man”

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Lol! White knight much? D2 is over 20 years old and had a more robust skill tree. D4 doesn’t even have skill trees, it has skill twigs.


I knew you would like the pet that grows with you. I thought of you when I read about that lol


Any of you are rewarded to ask me any question of your choice but it can’t be “where is the fountain of youth?” And it can’t be related to the fountain of youth.

Did you know Buffalo naturally know where hot springs are? In the winter Buffalo use to stay warm in large groups at hot springs. The natural heat was enough to keep them warm. And in a very large group Buffalo can be deadly to almost any predator.

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Sounds like you want a different type of game.

Diablo 4 may not be a greatest example of a skill tree but that doesn’t mean there aren’t games that do it very effectively. Its less about the system and how its implement IMO.

Blizzard did mention PvP in the stream. Talking about how few people bothered to do the PvP parts of the season journey.


As long as the expansion does something right they’ll continue to make money. Worst case scenario they eventually scale down their plans. Seasons may not be going great but their own expectations may have been low.

Imagine if it had multiple modes/player-defined loadouts you could switch in combat, especially if it worked in conjunction with challenge. The stones seem to be sufficient or close. From what I saw today it appeared only one governing stone was active at a time, which I found strange given two are equipped. How many combinations will a single player avail themselves of regularly? Meanwhile the designer who came up with the idea is “geeking out on” realizing the thing can heal you as well as complement your build. Fools, and they seem immature as hell. Unreal.

And those games suck too! The whole genre sucks, that’s why so few bother with “the real game” beyond the story and Diablo is the only actually popular franchise despite being inadequate in so many areas. This genre runs on the ghost of Diablo 2. You people just can’t see past your own noses and can conceive of only what you have already been shown. What I want is the logical progression of a game. They’ve been running the same braindead concept into the ground for 20 years now and can’t get a clue. How does none of them go, “Boy, this game is so basic, maybe as game designers we should be looking at expanding into all that untapped potential of what the game could be as opposed to doing the same old crap over and over again and pretending it’s 2004”? Instead they have this dork geeking out on some numbskull crap. No way, different things do different things!


What a well thought out response

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Well, I think it’s great that crazy forum post turned into a season theme, lol.

What crazy forum post? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Btw, if you’re referring to season three, I think what happened is these geniuses turned the PoE skill and support gems into a season theme.

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Season three is gonna be fun. Most people rolling a barbarian for the extra damage modifiers means another season of me sending everyone to the shadow realm as a sorc.

Sorcs will be able to bypass most trap mechanics that will be gatekeeping the highest end gear in season 3.

Maybe I’ll get my eternal realm sorc gear up to 95% BIS this season.

Alright, let’s talk about what these S3 governing+support stones or PoE skill+support gems are, what D3 runes are, and what people asking for more outer-tree nodes in D4 is about. Really they are different forms of the same concept - take a skill and modify it a number of ways to offer players greater choice. There is a consensus variety is a good thing. Where I go off-trail is in recognizing that as long as you have a very limited number of active slots (i.e. a bottleneck) that tend to always result in basic gameplay more choice doesn’t mean a much better gaming experience. It is beneficial but it only goes so far.

So I don’t want them reworking anything, especially when the basic option needs to continue to exist. They can and will keep doing the traditional stuff that brings nothing new. What I want them to do is add on top of it button remapping so as to multiply the number of active slots. From there you can go into multi-level containment structures of additional skills and variations to execute from on the fly - which is what this particular post expounds - or you can do a more introductory/intermediate implementation of runes and runewords where you limit the additional remapping levels to one or two and tie them directly to pre-existing skills. This is by no means easy but it’s also doable, and unlike most of their ideas I think has significant big-picture potential. Or as HeWhoIsHim would unartfully put it:

Okay frenchie. You must have a lot of fun with those administrations slides.

Me I just enjoy life. Offer people help where I can. If there is an afterlife you’ll be enlightened to exactly who you’ve insulted.

Otherwise just know, whatever realm of intellect you think I possess is nowhere near my actual capacity. You are but a newborn child in comparison.


You know that guy sitting back in his chair after the little girl from The Ring pops out of his TV?

At least this time you spelled possess with a sufficient number of s’es.

You could be the president of France, you could be Elon musk, you could be a lot of people and your intelligence would still be leagues beneath mine. Success in life isn’t indicative of intelligence, it’s indicative of falling into line like a good little duck.

The truly outrageously intelligent people in this world refuse to be good little ducklings. The fact you’ve been such a good little duck you are bored watching admin slides while little girls come out of your tv tells me enough about who you are.

One of the primary reasons I hate the French is the fact you psychopaths think it’s okay to get underage girls drunk and take advantage. Real men over in France don’t exist. Legalized underage rape. France really is progressive.


You had me in the first half, and if you don’t remove that last paragraph you’ll have the moderators in the second.

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Awe, I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intent to offend you. My intent was simply to illustrate a truth.

Clearly I touched a nerve and now you want to cut my tongue out. What did we say about people who want other peoples tongues cut off? They are afraid of the person whose tongue they request be lobbed off.

While I did enjoy seeing your fear in the way you typed your response I take no satisfaction in the fact it is true. If I was French I’d be elated that it is the truth, (not really just want to make frenchie feel better) however my ancestors were forced to eat their children.

Why were my ancestors forced to eat their children? Because France put the squeeze on England for resources and then England put the squeeze on Ireland. Most people and historians blame England for the Irish potato famine, in reality it was the French who created the conflict, and profited immensely from it.

France historically has lacked any semblance of a soul or morals.

A prime example is the Statue of Liberty. Everyone is told that it was a gift from France to America. In reality Americans payed for the Statue of Liberty many times over. France has been profiteering off of America since the end of the American revolution. The statue was more of an insult to Americans, like a “you guys give us so much free money and you are too stupid to realize it so we are gonna give you some of it back in the form of this statue”

It’s genuinely pathetic how few of you know real history.

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I’m actually not entirely sure if I’ll finish this season… the wind storm druid I’m playing I’m not feeling and the companion seems like it won’t be terribly involving, if at all (currently level 30). I.e. same old, same old and it gets old quickly. Blizzard might take a notable L this season as many others are already feeling underwhelmed. What fascinates me is what everyone is expecting to change.

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Everyone is expecting End Game Content.

End game content in a game like this should be primarily in the eternal realm, or at the very least the eternal realms end game content should be more diverse then the seasonal realms.