Na, I’ll tell you all because it won’t matter. Wyoming is a an amazing place. Good luck from there. Even if I narrow it down that much you’ll never find it in your lifetime.
Also Jean, or as I’ll call you from now on Frenchie, you are asking for them to rework the entire skill tree.
I am asking for them to change a boss from a timer based spawn to a resource in zone based spawn. This would give PvP more meaningful grind due to being able to spawn boss more actively. For all anyone cares at this point they could also set the monster level in PvP zone to like 150.
The point is that the PvP player needs love. We have propped this entire genre up on our backs for decades. And the casual scrub shouldn’t dictate that we have worse gameplay evolution because they are bad at PvP.
Get good. Losers.