Official Tweet from Adam Fletcher

Yes that’s what I figured would be the case but as you said maybe we’ll get some kind of time frame on other changes in the q and a. Trying to be optimistic lol

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Okay, Rod. 20 stupid characters

Rod is a leader in title, he talks about cookies and random items on the itinerary, Adam tries to actually get through the power point.

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It’s actually the work of the community manager to put up advertisements, and not just someone from Instagram.
And there is nothing on the forum. True, at least this time there is something on the site.
Are we looking forward to the sequel to “Dumpster Fire”?

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I am ready for the stream

Absolutely stupid order of discussion - talking about season two before talking about the KEY elements that are wrong with the game like itemization, damage buckets, resistances, etc. Jesus these guys just don’t fricken get it - they don’t fundamentally understand the game they are working on or the issues with it … god damn now they are talking about cosmetics … ffs.

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People whine all day about the cost of this game, if Blizzard makes a dime off cosmetics, and that it will all end up pay for play, eventually. But they want sanctioned RMT? Just goes to show they full of caca.

The Stream was an absolute loss. Most of the updates amount to making the numbers bigger and reskinning monsters and events. They address almost nothing that has been talked about in the forums. The Greed is endless over here. They put in a boss for farming then hid it behind summon items from other bosses. Basically most of the updates increase your playtime without adding anything new. Players complained that class build variety wasn’t enough with hearts, what do they do take it out all together. So now the new season will amount to running the same build for every class and play style . Just Ignored their entire fan base. Way to be Blizzard.

Big question poeple who lost their premium ticket from missclick will we get one back? because i paid to have it and didnt had the chance of choosing when i wanted to use it that is very frustating to pay for a bait i lost it s1 day 1

This is irrelevant to what I wrote. Im not really sure why you wrote it.

This, what in the actual hell is “Chonky”… Is that supposed to appeal to the 13 year old’s playing diablo??

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NERF BARBS IN PVP they are extremely overpowered and need a slappen.