Official Tweet from Adam Fletcher

I remain cautious but interested, I remember the 13,000 word patch.


You’re not wrong. I think those 13,000 words included “Diablo 4 patch notes for this date, published on this date.”

Just going to say it, it literally cant get ANY worse so im halfway looking forward to these changes whatever they are.

The game is so dead right now any change would be impactful, an dungeon crawler that drops absolutely no loot and allows you no room to carry it.

You will spend more time deciding what to drop on the ground then playing, still cant believe they launched the game in this state and then continued to have people that dont play or understand the game patch the game.

Whatever though, in the past, fix it


Agreed. My only concern at least personally is they’re hyping it up pretty good. If they don’t deliver on that hype the ensuing backlash will be pretty bad. I hope it’s an OMG banger d4 good. They know what they need to do, in a few hours we’ll see if they deliver.

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Cheers mate, don’t use twitter so this is helpful. I wont be around to watch though, so will just wait for a summary from YT or something.

Yeah, sure, looking forward to that cherry-picked Q&A session!

No doubt some one on here will make a summary. I plan on doing it, but we’ll see how the day goes, don’t wanna make any promises. It may be later by the time I get around to it, and some one will have already posted.

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Since they’ve prohibited the use of the term “endgame” in their live streams, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to submit questions that address pertinent issues. It’s great that they’ve resolved stash tab issues, but it’s disappointing that they seem to be touting five new pinnacle bosses and the addition of 20 more maps to sigils as meaningful endgame content. Frankly, it’s hard to see how these additions constitute a substantial endgame experience. I can’t help but feel that today’s live stream might mark the end of this game.

On the other hand, Path of Exile 2 (PoE2) appears to be a promising alternative, boasting a whopping 200 pinable bosses in its base game at launch. Moreover, these bosses are expected to feature intricate mechanics. Not to mention the vast variety of enemy types, which is rumored to exceed 2000. It’s evident that they are genuinely prioritizing endgame content. S2 will just be a waste of time.

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Nothing in that says rebuild and redesign game to make it fun and innovative.

Class changes again, qol, and basic mechanics. It’s an alpha to a game no one wanted.

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But punishment is what makes things fun.

We shall see. The beta for POE2 will supposedly last the entire length of a normal season and it will include full endgame content. Seems like a better option than say a beta that only goes up to level 20.

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and when does that happen?

Chonky livestreams? Yikes. Cringing already.

Another useless PR stunt.

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My wishlist for class updates is:

  • Increased basic skill damage by 300% for all classes
  • Druid companion passive damage increased by 200% and Wolf campanion attack speed increased by 30%
  • Druid core ability spirit cost reduced by 30%
  • ‘Human’ Druid Glyph now grants passive Spirit generation and greater increased damage in human form.
  • Necromancer minion damage resistance scales with world tier difficulty
  • Sorcerer Warmth passive skill increases mana regeneration by a flat % amount (deviating from dependence on fire damage/burning)

Those at the very LEAST…

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Really this what your gripe is about? Because they used the word Chonky? Let me guess gonna have that stopwatch out too and be like OMG it was only 1 hour 59 minutes and 59 seconds LONG!!! They said 2 hours!!

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Next summer. /20 char

I hope loot filter count under “and more”?

Who is this anyway and what does he have to do with Diablo?

Adam Fletcher (PezRadar) is the community lead for the Diablo franchise.

Who is Adam Fletcher?

Adam Fletcher is the community lead for the Diablo franchise. He is/was senior manager for community development in Incubation, and was community development lead manager for Team 3.

He’s hosted and lead the campfires since they started.