OFFENSIVE ASPECT OF BURSTING VENOMS does not work correctly after 1.1.1

It does not create any pool on the ground, at all. It is 100% broken and this aspect is build enabling so poison rogue is pretty much gone without it. Please fix asap.


While standing in the poison pool my poison imbuement retains its cool down and its max 2 charges.

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Can confirm. I based my build on lucky hit because of this aspect and it’s just crap now. It seems they don’t like their player base to have fun…

Wanted to chime in on the Aspect of Bursting Venoms as this was reported by the community yesterday and the team was investigating this into the early evening last night.

We have amended the patch notes this morning to include what occurred here.

Fixed imbues as part of ongoing improvements to game performance. Imbues were refactored. This includes a change which fixed several edge cases where the Imbuement would fail to end properly and was incorrectly allowing non-Imbued skill casts to trigger certain Legendary effects.

This was indeed a bug with Rogues that was fixed in this patch but it did lead to a nerf to this specific skill. It actually wasn’t planned for 1.1.1 and was for a patch later on.

This of course is leaving a pretty not great feeling for Rogue players who were relying on this and we should have given a better heads up regarding this and highlighted it into the notes. We will get better at this. This one slipped under quite a lot of changes in 1.1.1 so I’m hoping we are a bit better buttoned up as we change up internal flags on making sure these can be highlighted into patch notes when we start compiling these with our production teams.


if you are unable to test your own games yourself, you should let us test it on a PTR, and “a little” hide your incompetence … would be a win/win for everyone.


insert Hercules gif yelling disappointed…

i dare say that 77 posts (currently) in the almost 3 months since release are a wee bit low for someone with the title “community manager”.
but hey, I am glad to experience this rare case of someone from within the D4 team simply acknowledging an issue. feels a lot more substantial than just claiming to listen without ever chiming in.
so, thank you!

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This includes a change which fixed several edge cases where the Imbuement would fail to end properly and was incorrectly allowing non-Imbued skill casts to trigger certain Legendary effects.

So at what point when standing in the poison pool created by Bursting Venom should the countdown and charge counter for the imbuements disappear? On proc the restrictions remain, moving around in the puddle makes them still remain, nothing seems to make the effect of remoning the charges and cooldown go away.
Raw footage of the unexpected behaviour

I appreciate you keeping us in the loop and I know a timeframe can’t be given, I just hope this will get some TLC down the line.

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Hey PezRadar,
I hope you hear me out here. I know you’re not responsible for patching and just have to deal with the community. None of this is directly your fault, but you’re one of the few people that might read this and actually be able to do anything. Give my perspective a shot here.

I propose a hot fix revert of this “bug fix” until a future patch where it can be dealt with in a more agreeable manner for players and game devs for a few reasons.

1 - it was a blind side and feelz bad my guy.
2 - offensive aspects are things that proc very often for pretty much every skill. I’m sitting on 40% lucky chance and 30% crit and I might get bursting venom, my core aspect, to proc 3-4 times in a nightmare dungeon from being able to proc it at least every other mob, usually more! I’d proc it more with a 30 second cool down, much like other strong skills have.
3 - With this being a core skill aspect for poison rogues it feels more like a gut (or neuter) more than a nerf.

One last thought here. I’m feeling this one personally this time (sorry barbs and sorcs). I want to point out that I was actually pretty hopeful from the last campfire patch. 1.1.1 was feeling like a win from all the other nerfs. It felt like the game devs were going for more balance than nerfs on player power. This blind side to an unannounced complete gut of a build has me feeling like strike 3 now. You probably don’t care if you lose another ant from the massive hill of blizzard, as it has been threatened so much as is… but I’m starting to side with the cynics.

That was a lot. sorry TL in retrospective. Godspeed.


your games are awesome BLIZZARD, keep it up!!!

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Classic :joy:

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The only pool I saw in the video was poison trap, not any procs of the aspect. Keep in mind the bursting venoms only has a 10% chance to proc on crit from a poison imbued skill, not all crits. Therefor the chance of it proccing is very low. The bursting venom pool is denser, smaller and of a darker green color than the poison trap.

The single proc of bursting venoms that happened had the pool spawned at the blister behind Lilith and the player immediately moved out of it.

There are just too many “filters” on this aspect: 1- only on imbued skill which is already a small portion of skill uses. 2- Must crit. 3- 10% lucky hit, very low. 4- the lucky hit chance of the skill used. 5- must stand in the pool.
The aspect is useless unless it procs a LOT more often or the removal of cooldown and charge use stays on the character for x seconds instead of only while inside the pool.
Let’s say that I’m using twisting blades that has a base 35% lucky hit chance, then I have 30% lucky hit chance bonus, 60% crit chance with a consistent buffs. 0.35 * 1.3 * 0.6 * 0.1 = 2.73% of it happening. And only on about 20% my uses of twisting blades (I’m not using combo points). And even when 0.546% of my TB uses procs this, I must notice the pool and stand on it but it is a really small and short duration pool.
I only used this aspect on early levels because it was one of my first drops, and then right before 1.1.1 I had decided to try it again and did so the day the patch landed. I was not aware this was functional only because of a bug. It didn’t last one day on my character. Completely useless.
There are a lot of other useless aspects, sure, but this one was one of the mechanically interesting aspect. Now I’m back to having only number multiplier aspects equipped.
IMO it should have a higher than 10% lucky hit chance AND not require an imbued skill AND not require the player to stand in the pool for its benefits. I understand it is really powerful and can get a bit OP yes but anything that is not reliably usable is just useless. Being powerful it shouldn’t proc on every pack but if it procs every other pack of mobs and doesn’t require standing still it starts being considered to be in a build, in a non-bugged way.

I wonder how many other aspects don’t actually work but are not this easy to notice. I had been using telemetry + damage with barrier aspect forever until I found out on campfire that it didn’t actually work. IMO every single legendary aspect should be something mechanical or that allows some new interaction between different items/skills, and there should be zero aspects that are just number buffs.


No it’s not. The pool from BV is a lot different than that. It has ripples. Look behind Lilith at 0:28 right when the Poison Imbuement on the skill bar flashes and gets a golden border for a moment before he moves out of it.

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You are right. I watched again. Let me get a better response cooked up then.

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Thanks for your reply! It wasn’t a lot at all. :slight_smile:
I was wrong - it works as advertized - my basis was wrong and I honestly didn’t know the difference between the trap and the pool. I apologize for the fuzz I might have caused.

Stay safe. ^^

Hmm I think some people were saying it only triggers on cast when u stab the mob, it doesnt trigger on return blades and the spinning blades… but im not sure on this so you could probably test that … I am using Penetrating shot, 3combos, lucky hit 98% it triggers quite often on that. But they are right Bursting venoms shows more of a ripple from inwards out but poison trap doesnt have that.

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Let’s simplify this for people who still don’t understand:

(For the people that don’t know, Shadow step has 100% lucky hit chance, we will use that for our argument right now to simplify that part of the equation.)

So, basically, you need to use your poison imbuement, do a shadow step, hope it crits and hope you hit 1/10 chances in order to trigger this aspect on the ground. Keep in mind your shadow step has lengthy cooldown and so does your poison imbuement. Now if you use poison imbuement WITHOUT your shadow step, you solely rely on whatever LHC (lucky hit chance) you have on your character at the moment, so that makes it even worse and the odds of you getting this pool on the ground reliably are slim to none.

Out of over 10 Uber Lilith fights I got 0 procs on bursting venoms which is just kind of ridiculous. If the aspect IS indeed working as intended right now, they need to buff these % because this build is a joke right now imho. The wrathful heart of creeping death is barely doing anything now since you can’t reliably get poison imbuement up during stagger. So I wouldn’t play this build anymore if this is the case.


I actually use bursting venom with build based on the new puncture aspect. That, in combination with a good amount of attack speed, still procs it quite often. Just not as often as I would like. I do have improved crit and lucky hit on imbued skills from the skilltree and 40 base crit chance. That definitely helps.