Now level 70, the last 15 levels have just been the repeat of the same 5-10 nightmare dungeons

I had a blast getting to 50, then roamed the map and found all the altars, got all locations, did little extras

But soon after around level 55, the only way to level up at any sort of reasonable speed was to grind nightmare dungeons

Quickly, the extra things like roaming the map just became a waste of time because I would not get anything for it except a pittance of xp

From level 65 or so, I found 0 upgrades to my gear, so I just ran some dungeons a couple nights in a week after work to level and hope something might change once I could start doing torment nightmare dungeons

Now I’m just bored of it at level 70

On top of it randomly crashing on me every 1-2 hours of play, they can’t even add in cursor capture when you have 2 screens, battlepass cant even pay for itself, have to disable and re-enable my desktops graphics card to use my second screen because they didnt even think to put in a friggen option for a default graphics card


Legion events (occur every 30 minutes and lasts 5 minutes or so) are very good for xp and gear.
Helltides (every other hour or so) are decent xp and good gear.
Whispers (open world and dungeons) are always available and decent gear and do per turn in.

So there is some variety available, even if some of it is not as efficient as running NMDs, which do get tedious.


I think it’s more so the OP doesn’t feel enough reward for the time spent in the game. As they said they’re already pretty much geared out, I imagine most of their gear just has minor adjustments for it to be “perfect”.

The only real advancement for them would be more paragon points and once you’ve geared out and done all of the content the promise of more paragon points to just continually do the same thing over and over again until you reach level 100 is very unfulfilling.

Them crashing every 1-2 hours also is the nail in the coffin. Why bother wasting time on a game that just feels like a job instead of a game?

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I always wondered why it was the same damn nm dungeons. Like I went back and checked if I didn’t do some, but nope I think they lock in some dungeons for specific levels? Like I’d exponentially have to do the same damn nm dungeons why lock in a small pool?

Please check out some of my posts to spice up dungeons.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! đź‘Ť

Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!

ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!

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Congrats you beat the game. Now grind or quit. Think of the rest of the game like Ozma in ff9.

D3, for all of its faults, I think had a better endgame than D4. I think the next 2-3 seasons are mainly bug fixes and stuff that should have been included in launch. The real “launch” of this game is probably June 2024.


They need to relaunch the game I think. Build up to a season 3 relaunch with 2000 bugs fixed. 50 additional aspects and uniques. 10 stash tabs for all players and game recoded so lag is gone and you dont load other stashes. Resists fixed. Dungeons redone. Another playable hero. 6 new endgame things to do. Ect.

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Level 55 was my breakthrough when i beat Capstone Elias and started Torment to start getting Ancestral gear.

Level 60 was my breakthrough when i finally able to wear all my Ancestral loots i got from level 55. Ancestral requires level 60 to be able to wear it.

Level 60 was the level i farmed repeatedly for Malignant Hearts… particularly the brutal, vicious and devious Hearts.

Level 65 is my attempt on Varshan to get a Wrathful Heart.

Level 70 to level 85 is the hunting farming for very rare Uniques while trying to get BiS Hearts… level5 hearts including the Barber. That’s where i got Lidless wall and ring of mendeln. Farming was done from NM 40 to NM 50.

Level 85+ is where i start high NM dungeons from NM 55 to NM80. Playing these NM dungeons is different from my previous lowbie NM dungeons. This time i am dealing with on how not to get one shot killed. I tried Helltide and first time i killed Kixxarth, the Helltide Assassin 2x to 3x on one Helltide all under 5 seconds.

Btw on high NM, it’s raining Ancestral Gear. I had 1 NM dungeon run where i looted 3x Uniques. Im getting better Uniques… So far my Lidless wall, Black River, Howl from Below and Temerity got upgraded from high NM dungeons. As usual, Deathless Visage and Bloodless Scream also gets upgrade but going straight to vendor.

Im still on it switching between my Summoner and Advanced Hammerdin Lidless Wall build. For some reason, i am not getting bored.


Honestly between d2 and d3 I don’t remember this being so hard. I just remember re-doing the campaign a couple times and and at the end poof it’s level 100, like it didn’t feel like a chore.

The items I know at the next level are decent! Like the itemization in d4 is drastically worse. It’s like they need a level passed ancentral.

The monsters… it used to be just be at your level… but now at level the monsters explode upon seeing me and I have to guess and choose the nm level … then I die if I get too crazy.

I’m sorry, venting a little … such an easy formula and I get they wanted to push the envelope but they could have tested this and figured it out.

When you make a new character…
if you speed level with a friend - it’s temple of rot wt4 for about 2 hours, then straight NM’s at level 50 to 100.

If you don’t speed level with a friend - it’s temple of rot w2 for about 8 hours, and then straight to NM’s at level 50 to 100.

Of course, this is the META and you then have S and A tier dungeons for exp, which is like 10 dungeons max.

THis is life in D4 now, needs to change somehow.

The speed leveling to 50 is okay, it’s more that it’s just 2 things you need to do.

I hope you’re wrong and we start seeing some real building of the game with Season 3 which would be, in theory, six months of a team working on the season content and adjustments (potentially).

You might be right in 1 year though ><;

When you beat the game in D2 I promise even on ./players8 you wouldn’t be 100, lol. It was, less so now in D2R, a very long grind to 100. Thing is though, you always had goals to chase so, to me, it never felt bad.

D3 and D4 wind up grinding down too quickly to “find 2-5% better version of what you have” which just isn’t my main way to enjoy ARPGs

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Your right, the more I think it was more D3. D2 I never had a level 100 only 98 and that was weeks of farming pandora (? With the pink gut monsters).

Your also right about the marginal increases. I think that’s what makes grinding empty.

Something clicks when you hit 100. Boring stuff becomes fun again. You become unkillable, move faster, look more handsome & basically can ace any activity. Then the season journey achievements are fun to unlock too. I thought id be bored but nope. :slight_smile:

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Congrats you beat the game

Even if they changed the dungeons how would you tell? They all use the same tiles, mobs and bosses. They have very few assets.

Aww it’s not that bad. And between my two characters I think I did 99%. Matter of factly that’s why I even more disappointed because I know there’s more dungeons content I’m missing.

There are in fact other things to do in the game post-level 50 besides Nightmare Dungeons:

  • Outstanding side quests
  • Regular dungeons that are not yet completed.
  • Tree of Whispers quests
  • World Bosses and Legion events
  • Overworld events
  • Strongholds
  • And yes, even Helltides

Unfortunately most of these have mobs 5 levels below you, and none of them grant glyph upgrades, which really are essential to powering up your character.

If Bliz reversed the decision of making the mobs 5 levels under you and also granted a small number glyph upgrades for all of the above items, the game after level 50 would be a lot more interesting. :slight_smile:

The game dies hard at level 70. I don’t know how anybody could make to level 100. I made to 82 and uninstalled. No end-game, no good loot, no easy way to respec. No thanks.

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