Not sure why some people are against redoing stuff for new seasons

This guy gets it… I had my map 100% why I need to rediscover it again at an alt, I farmed renown at normal why not transfer it to season??

Doing the same concept again its lazy and unfun (e-content).
From a multy billion comp like Blizz you expect something new, something inovative… But sadly D4 brings none…

The argument like D3/2 had seasons is invalid … try something new, dont bring 10+ years game as an example… things evolve…
When ppl try to defend D4 at itemization and saying this aint d3 2 but at lack of innovation and bring up the seasons aint this hypocritical?

Tldr: Ppl can repeate content if it is fun not when it is forced… Seasons as it is now doesnt bring anything new and is a lazy try to implement some content


PoE popularity, as by player count would be FINE if it would be pay to play title. As f2p with massive bot issue, this is nothing to write home about. However, luckily for them, they got pretty good at extracting money from whales.

D3 takes an order of magnitude less time to get to max level.

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I have feeling you are comparing Max levels from D3 to Paragon levels in D4…

Sorry i wasnt very clear.

Im a bit more of a casual player, so for the casual players out there that just have fun a d enjoy the end game content, getting to 50 is enough.

If your aim is to push NM 75+ dungeons, then yeah youll need to invest some extra time.

The thing that D4 does differently though to most MMO’s and ARPG’s thats throwing off people is you dont need to be max level to enjoy the end game content.

Because to some people the game only begins on level 100/with endgame niche build. To them the end is more important than the journey because that’s what content creators accidentally make the more casual playerbase think since all content that is made is for end-game.


Well, kinda same as in D3, with Paragon level under 800 you aint going far either way…

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No, read the comment that I was replying to, the context is all there – imagine that!

Diablo 3 has no max level. In Diablo 4 level 50 is the Diablo 3 equivalent max level. Then 51-100 is the equivalent of Diablo 3’s paragon levels.

The main difference is that Paragon leveling never ends in Diablo 3, but level 100 is a hard end to progression in Diablo 4. Letting you get to 100 fast would be really bad for seasons, because level 100 is the end of the season for you.

Couldn’t agree more, Blizzard really shooting themselves in the foot with a lot of their design decisions.

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I did and it changes nothing about your comparison being really weird. You can’t compare Lv 100 in D4 to Lv 70 paragon 0 in D3. It’s nowhere the same.

This is an ARPG (with arguably, at the moment at least, not a lot of action), but regardless. They don’t even begin until max level.

I don’t get it, why do you people don’t trade then? High end weapons with current inflation goes for 800M-1B. Good boots up to 300 mills. Meta elixiers climbed to 500k piece atm. If you would want to trade then you would.

Ok, let me rephrase. Getting to max level in D3 takes 5-10x less time than getting to 50 in D4.

As compared to what, d3s impressive like 30k active user base at the start of a new season? Yeah it’s pretty impressive. A game that sold millions retains almost no one. D2r has more.

D4 is headed that route if they don’t change it.

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PL in D3 take about 45 mins to 70, right? PL in D4 takes about 60 mins to 50. Pretty sure with seasonal boost it will be equal.

This game’s leveling process is mind numbingly tedious and far from enjoyable, but I have no qualms with needing to do it over for the new season. That’s fine. That is how we’ve always done things. Getting renown, however, is even more tedious and unenjoyable, and I don’t for a second believe it should need to be redone. It’s just pointless busy work.

What I have derived a good deal of enjoyment from is the endgame. Nightmare dungeons are something I quite like, and I’d prefer not to have to waste my time on renown garbage before being able to leap back into that.

Statues are shared across season. So is map discovery. Rest of renown? Dungeons while leveling? Profit. You need to unlock dungeons for Nightmare version anyway, so that’s few flies with one hit. I don’t think aspects are cross season either so you get that out of table as well (correct me if I am wrong).

You simply get renow done when leveling, no need for fuzz imo. Plus good chance dungeons will be part of Seasonal journey anyway + whispering tree… you will be getting like four things done at once, at least, if planned accordingly.

Renown = Reputation
Reputation is from WoW
WoW is not Diablo

Keep WoW out of Diablo!


Probably because they dont find it that fun or quick. Its no different than people not wanting to do renown again

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