Not allowing gameshare to share early access is unacceptable

So damn shady. This is the only early access game ive never been able to gameshare. Pretty sad seeing how microsoft is gonna own their asses. Ill stick to nintendo.

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This did not work for me

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This does work instructions coming!

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Agreed I just now got in with the fix I posted brotha

I dont see the instruction post


Also this isn’t split screen after the act you want to GameShare with is in i.e referred to as player 2 in my post, just sign out of the other profile and it leaves you in solo!

this is the best fix i ever seen i wonder ow many developers it took to figure that one out

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Spread the word f blizzard let’s get all the homies on!

So, I think I have found a work around. If you are in the same household, start a couch co-op game. Have the main player drop out of the game and log in on the other console. We were able to join together as it left my wife in the game we created. We only played for about 5 minutes this way before we went to bed. But we decided to test it after I logged out of the game we were playing and she was able to keep playing. It is very possible it will hit the time limit at some point and log her out. But it worked for a bit at least.

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I’m still going strong np

Link to my twitch in case any wants live help with a game share work around!

Why would you buy it on the same account. Pretty much every online service requires separate accounts. That is like buying two copies for yourself. It does not even make sense from any logical stand point.

That’s messed up on a number of levels. If it was like just a day or two…but 4 days? Your killing us.

This is so disappointing. My husband and have played every Diablo game and we’ve always been able to play together on the same console. I usually buy a copy on my console and for PC. I do not intend to purchase Diablo IV on PC anymore.

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This does not work for me either.
Instantly shuts down the first game.

Did you log out of the Xbox profile on the second Xbox?

Make sure you completely signed out of the other Xbox. I didnt at first and it did the same thing. It worked now when I signed out competently on the other system before logging into my system.

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Unable to get the co-op to work now my wife’s account is locked out from being able to link , this sux

What platform are you on Xbox or PS5?