Not allowing gameshare to share early access is unacceptable

So it’s official. You purchased the game and spent significantly more on it to play with your friend/family member who plays in a different room and now they can’t play at all.


Because money. That’s why.
When a DLC is deployed, the developer can choose whether to allow it to be “shared” via gamesharing. Activision intentionally prevents many things from being shared in COD (like skins, battle pass stuff so I’m honestly not surprised, I’m just disappointed.

Do better, blizzard.


But a community manager just said it is possible? I’m confused…

No, it is currently not possible to access the early access on the receiver of gamesharing.
They will have to wait until the 6th to play.


I’m so mad. I go back to work on the 6th and my best friend got the deluxe edition for my birthday and we can’t even play together during early access. This is so greedy. Fix it blizzard. Turn it on.


Apologies - they said secondary accounts can access via couch co-op so long as the account that purchased the game hosted the gameplay session.

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Seriously they could literally fix all of this by just allowing GameShare smh…


That’s not even the extent of the problem. I bought the game on PC and on PS5. Unfortunately the PS5 version was tied to the same account. Now I have two copies but only I can play!

The original intent was for my wife to play on PS5 and I to play on PC and I can’t even do that with 2 copies.


Oh wow, and yeah good luck trying to get a refund from Sony.

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Not actually warning people ahead of time and making them waste their money on an early access they can’t even play is even worse. By the time they told us, it was too late to get refunds.


I think if you state the charges were fraud i.e made by someone not you, they will refund no matter what, maybe a possible loophole for people being told no refunds after game has been downloaded? For example don’t say hey f blizzard and this Bs i want a refund, maybe try, yeah my kid ordered this on my account without permission and I need it refunded etc etc

This is ridiculous some of us cant afford a copy some of us only want 1 copy for the household fix this garbage!


Almost like it was intentional? Hmm :thinking:


Almost positive even if they didn’t violate any tos or policies wouldn’t surprise me if this turns class action smh… Blizzard just pissed their entire company away when it comes to early access drops in the future ever


I’m definitely never preordering a Blizzard game again


Funny thing is when i hit log in my friends see me logging in then its errors out just fix this an stop violating tos from xbox!


Agreed the most pathetic part about all this is we know they have the power to fix this, and can see everything we are saying, and are blatantly choosing to be greedy. I wish blizzard was a publicly traded company so I could watch their stock price dwindle down to nothing


It works on Xbox. I’m doing game share. On your shared Xbox both join, then leave the game and unsign in from the 2nd Xbox (the account that has game) this leaves the 2nd player in the game. Then turn on home Xbox and you can login and accept a game invite from the 2nd player

It works

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Yes i seen this, people are still having issues, an this is b.s shouldnt have to split screen!

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This is impossible as a co op player cannot log in until they’ve completed the beginning of the campaign to Kyovashad.

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