Because people more likely to take a poll in some twitch or reddit thing is a zoomer used to lazy game design. Not representative of the player base.

There is a leaderboard. Botting will be a problem with or without trading.

Not having leaderboards likely would be a good idea for sure.

Same thing the losing side of the poll says every time.

Iā€™m not a ā€œzoomerā€ i hate trade, it makes the game worse.

I bet you are one of them people crying about D2Jsp.

Leaderboards are a big part of the fun though.

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Itā€™s like when a leftist on twitter makes a poll about a political issue. The vote will favor the left. When a rightie does the same, the vote favors the right. Imagine not getting that.

I meanā€¦

A poll that says ā€œdo you want trading yes/noā€ is pretty unbiased.

Iā€™ve seen these on official points of communication from arpgs

Hmm. Maybe keep them separate entirely? That would really slim down the game into several smaller factions, though. I honestly donā€™t have an issue with that, but Iā€™m also not very smart and havenā€™t fully thought through the ramifications of setting the game up like that.

It would kinda be funny if there was a to detect cheaters and force them to group together, and at the end of the season when they think theyā€™ve gotten away with it, Put them on a wall of shame for a week on the website, then ban them.

With that being said, that would REALLY suck if you werenā€™t guilty and got grouped in with those people. I remember Valve or some other company grouping up cheaters with each other and then having them all rage war on each other. Can you imagine a bunch of cheaters enraged because theyā€™re getting killed by other cheaters with better cheating software? The seeing the reports they send in about other players? Iā€™d pay to see some best of moments from voice chat and chat messages from some crazy experiment like that.

Same with my example. The venue and those who see/care about the poll are what matters. Let me guess, this was a polling of D3 people? Reddit? Show one. Iā€™m certain it will be easy to disassemble. I mean, I can head over to the D2R forum and come up with a poll in my favor by asking your phrased unbiased question.

Nah, LE on the official reddit that is moderated and run by EHG, the people making the game.

Trade has been a hotly debated topic in that game for years, much more than Iā€™ve ever seen on diablo forums.

As well as other games.

You canā€™t poll on a game that has had trading for 23 years

Yeah most players donā€™t go to reddit. Thatā€™s a particular demo of players that I would have bet $100 would be against trading. Very easy to predict. Iā€™d say less than 1% of players even visit a diablo reddit.

less than 1% of players visit these forums.

and like I said, polling a game that already has trading built in doesnā€™t work.

Out of my community of 100-200 people I donā€™t know a single person who likes trading, and weā€™re all old diablo 2 players, and current poe players

How many of them use the forum that houses all the botters, dupers and hackers? Are they open about it or do they hide it?

? none of us do, why would we

While i get the idea behind account bound in diablo3 it honestly has ruined the game for me. As someone who doesnt buy gold or items or do any pay2win it really sucks not being able to give friends my handmedowns when i get upgrades. It felt really good in diablo2 classic to give away old gear that was now useless to me to newer players or friends who needed a little boost.

But yea with the design of these world events respawning so fast its painfully obvious how easily exploitable its going to be for bots. But then is an event respawning any different than in diablo3 rerunning bounties over and over? its just skipping the step of needing to make a new game to grind the same stuff. I dunno if there is a perfect solution. I think someone had recommenced limited trading once. Like an item would have trade charges so you could only trade it off 5 times before it became bound to the last person to receive it.

a more important issue here is quest reward loot not being salvageableā€¦ WHY?!

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I get that, but Trade has shown to affect so many areas of gameplay, you just canā€™t have trade AND good drop rates.


Did they need a boost though?

The issue with those handmedowns is that the player receiving them has their gameplay experience taken from them. By skipping the loot hunt bit by bit.

Here me out, you are grinding with a certain build in mind. You finally get the unique drop, to find out it does not fit into your build (keeping in mind that you will maybe see 2 or 3 at most per season and I would assume that is for someone putting in tons of hours) now you either have to shift your build completely (blizzard determining your builds, aka limiting build options), or continue with your build without having high tier gear.

We NEED open trading period. The only complaints I ever had about bots was the unnecessary mass spam text that covered the screen. Other than that, it doesnā€™t affect your gameplay at all.

Open trading will allow drop rates to stay low. We all know what will be coming the first month the game is out, ā€œBUFF DROP RATESā€ post everywhere.


Which is why open trading is bad, itā€™s much more fun to be able to get your builds yourself.