No longer clicking on negative and complaining threads

I am in a place ( this forum ) because I like the game. Its like saying …why do I keep responding to haters in a rock club, if they don’t like what music is played in the said club.

Well hello? You paid the entrance, you come, you don’t like … you … throw your frustration several times and then off you go.

You don’t come the next week …and the next week…and the next week, saying literally the same thing …that you don’t like the music in that club.

That’s…literally simple, right?

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Omarion, I think it’s a great thread regardless of the “hypocrisy” that involved with it.

And I stand by with what I said:

Complaints regardless of how they are structured, constructive or offensive, is still data that Blizzard can use. If you find said threads annoying, don’t go into them.

As it stands, I only go into 1 out or 20 threads and because I am a proponent of customer’s voice and feedback loops - I’m in this one. I find the forums invaluable for Blizzard. Now for the regular customer to have the desire to comment on other people’s complaints and render opinions that’s healthy dialogue if the environment exists.

You need not participate in everything and that’s okay. I definitely don’t.

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And yet give an example of ONE Thing you paid $70+ for and you just walked away saying oh well I’m :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: and gave up on it…Without trying to get something out of it! Which is what you call Haters are trying to do, If you can’t accept that answer your hopeless

I mean do you. Just know this. Telling a developer this is enough and it’s fine will never improve the game. People legitimately want to see the game improve.

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Several cloths, which at first I was like “Oh…nice looks nice”, but …then after few days I was like … meh.

Several scripts which I paid hundreds , not $70, for… but in the end they were pretty bad. And the list goes on and on. I mean…really?! Let’s not speak about movies lol. Yes, not $70 ticket movie, but combined? Pf…A LOT more lol. Food? $20s-$30s which was pathetic. Yes, I…throwed my frustration and then I walked away.

Haven’t you wasted money in your life? Wtf ?

But this line …

Shows how weak and low you or alike can be if you, after playing, didn’t liked, throwed frustration on forums, etc and STILL … can’t move on and still “want something out of it”, aka trolling and hating on the forum, because…what else is there to “get something out of it”?

You literally proved my point.


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Wait until they rob you too

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Um… what? Kind of confused by this reply.

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I will add you on and copy paste the negative posts directly to you. There is no escaping the toxicity!


Actually I’m not hating ‘I’m demanding improvments’ That should have been in the game in the first place, But if you have to call it hating that’s on YOU!:man_shrugging: You do you. PS Blocking you

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:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Thanks for the info MC! :>

I am in a place ( this forum ) because I like the game. Its like saying …why do I keep responding to haters in a rock club, if they don’t like what music is played in the said club.

Well hello? You paid the entrance, you come, you don’t like … you … throw your frustration several times and then off you go.

You don’t come the next week …and the next week…and the next week, saying literally the same thing …that you don’t like the music in that club.
And yet give an example of ONE Thing you paid $70+
Several cloths, which at first I was like “Oh…nice looks nice”, but …then after few days I was like … meh.

Several scripts which I paid hundreds , not $70, for… but in the end they were pretty bad. And the list goes on and on. I mean…really?! Let’s not speak about movies lol. Yes, not $70 ticket movie, but combined? Pf…A LOT more lol. Food? $20s-$30s which was pathetic. Yes, I…throwed my frustration and then I walked away.

Haven’t you wasted money in your life? Wtf ?

But this line …

Without trying to get something out of it!

Actually that would make you the ‘Hater & Troll’ Not shadow and the other you and others dismissed shadows argument as talking about petty cash, Well guess what buddy that’s the equivalent of a millionaire or even multi millionaire dismissing your $2000-$3000 computer or $50.000-$100.000 car as petty cash just because wee lesser financially endowed people aren’t willing to dismiss as you do $70.00-$100.00 dollars as you and others do! So what if you’re not clicking on these threads! Do you really think we’ll miss you? Or give a flying :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: if you do or not?

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People also thought Diablo Immortal was fun, because they thought it was fun.

“It’s pay to win, because it’s pay to win”

Also, people who think that D4 story was good is just mesmerized by the Lilith’s production quality. Yes Lilith’s character design was great, but you are simply fooled by it. The story is mid at best.

If you’re gonna make a case about story, go play BG3. Even POE story has more character than D4’s story.

We’re in this club because we want to make the club better. You’re just coping hard and want us to cope with you. Trying to improve the game, whining about all the bad things, demanding change is also gonna help casual players. Everyone deserves better content, better gameplay, better endgame loop, better quality of life. This is not for just some %0.1 player base.

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Some of these posters are Blizzard employees without a shadow of a doubt. I came across 1 specific incident months ago that convinced me of it, after that i took mental notes about how some of them respond when i come across it which reinforced it.

There were news of other companies which was discovered that employees troll forums on their alt accounts, its obvious Blizzard employees do this. They like to gaslight people who point this out though saying that its a conspiracy theory idea. Its not like we’re accusing them of something truly outrageous or crazy like drinking other employees breast milk or having SA parties, now THAT would be a true conspiracy theory, there’s no way something like that could possibly be true its so outrageous.

Anyway, although i personally dont think some do it because their managers told them to, i think its just some of the more immature and insecure employees feel they have to defend themselves from the public pointing out how mediocre their work is and since their freedom is limited on official accounts, and they’d get blasted by everyone on this forum, they instead log on their lower profile personal accounts and pretend to be random players.

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OP picked the wrong game for “fun and intellectually stimulating.”

Which game would you recommend for fun and intellectual stimulation?

“intellectual” is subjective at best so I will assume this will be making you think or think of creative solutions.

The civilization series has a bit of history in there and can be played for a long time.

Dark soul series you need to follow and really learn the move sets. Notes are cryptic and require thinking as the meaning is subjective. Player notes can be real or a distraction.

Games like Stanley parable make you think the entire time

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Sadly, gaming forums like this is pretty much all negative threads, comments, etc. It is sad that people who hate Blizzard and this game so much, feel the need to keep spreading their negativity here yet what is funny is they still actively play the game and continue to buy Blizzard products.

I guess I am just used to where if I don’t like a game then I just move. But these people can’t move on and let go for some reason lol. Kinda sad and pathetic but what can ya do?

These forums would be more like what you are wanting if those toxic people could just move on.

You must be new, this is a tradition at this point for every single game.

The hate love relationship is iconic for gamers!

I would love this to be true. I really would. There is no reason to not be in the forums venting because the end game is just missing atm.