No longer clicking on negative and complaining threads

Cry me a river dude. You like a game that is objectively a dump in the mouth of long time fans of this series. The echo chamber of positivity you seek isn’t on these forums. Maybe you should look in a forum less grounded in reality- perhaps one run by the Furry community. It’s a long shot, but it’s possible that a community comprised of individuals that identify as squirrels might not think the game sucks. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if you met a D4 dev or two in there.


Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

It seems that you have indeed become the complainer and bringer of negativity that you speak of. Now be gone with you!! I rebuke you in the name of Diablo…!!! Muahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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Can we please get on this mods. Dude wants to be banned. Lets act Like burger king here.

The majority of the lore in season 3 was creating exposition for a same gender relationship. I don’t think the developers come to diablo thinking about the lore.

Don’t blame you i used to be interested as well.

Step 1, massive layoffs. Step 2, hire marketing teams to flood the forums with personal stories. step 3, we’ll see

This happens more often around good games. Glad you like D4, and many others do, but there are many valid criticisms.

Good. If every other person did the same, we might actually get something achieved in those threads instead of replying to the same idiots repeating the same dumb shillpoints.

I’m not saying you personally are guilty of this; only that there are many who are.

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I don’t think it’s wise to shut down any dialogue about the game in the forums.

Whether or not it’s constructive or not, it’s data that the blizzard team can use.

If you have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation, move on.

And yes, the same complaints come up over and over again - there’s a reason for that.

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You can just click on them and read them but keep having your own opinion.

It‘s a forum - people will tell you about good things, bad things, useless things, negative things, Karen things (hi Avalon) and what-the-f***-things. And It’s okay because this is a forum. Dont like it? Don‘t read or post.

People who are coping with this state of the game is actually damaging/delaying the future improvements.

Complaining and shaming is the best thing you can do to a game like this. Just because people complain, doesn’t mean that it’s a negative/toxic thing.

You are just coping hard at this point and trying to dismiss the endgame and the non existent replay value, because you’re a casual. This game is not a single player, it’s a live service, replayable arpg that needs good gameplay, good replay, good itemization, good systems.

Just because you play it super slow and enjoy it a lot, doesn’t mean that the negative comments are toxic.

Depleted uranium shells are made from one of the most toxic substances on earth and they chew through armour like a hot knife through butter.

Does “safe” mean “aligns with my opinion” I wonder? OP states he/she likes the game…I thought it mid at best. I’ll still read positive posts, even if I don’t agree with them.

Good, this is even more useless topic than “I quit D4”

Really mate, I am happy for you, you somehow found joy in D4 but noone cares if you clicking on some topics :smiley:

You’re doing it wrong. The forum is entertainment, sometimes priceless entertainment. Perspective makes all the difference. You’ll miss out on so much funny if you take things too seriously on this here forum.

Cry about it OP.
Oh wait, you did. :rofl:

Thanks for the engagement. Some of you may be surprised but I do have enough “level 1 thinking” to know that a cliche response to my post would be to highlight the irony that effectively I am “complaining about complaining”

To simplify things, I used my right of self expression to share that as one data point I will refuse to follow and engage and spend my time on threads which I feel are whiny. I don’t enjoy reading them and I do not enjoy content made my some popular content creators comparing Diablo 4 to POE. As I shared in a different thread it creates a degree of angst for me.

This thread is evolving to be entertaining because it is turning into a meta debate. Yes there is a gladiatorial element to forum posting and it can be enjoyable. The irony of those pointing out my irony and the hypocrisy of those claiming I am hypocritical by inane comments like 'dude who cares about what you click on" - the answer is you mate because you have generated more visibility on this thread.

Do I enjoy it when my threads get longer? Yes absolutely? Am I thrilled when I trigger a trolly response and have people shut them down? Absolutely. It is entertaining.

I like entertaining threads. I am not entertained by whiny threads with cliche complaints. They are boring. And honestly not very intellectually engaging…

Great that you have fun, nothing makes me happier. However it must be warranted for us more hardcore arpg gamers to complain when they really have delivered horribly considering what could been made. I am also having fun each season, but because of the lackluster endgame etc, the fun stops way too fast. Just a few days until you get high lvl, and theres nothing more to strive for. Arpgs are not supposed to be like that. There should be systems to keep you engaged for atleast 1-2 months in a 3 month season cycle.

And yet respond to 'Said Haters & Trolls Why?:man_facepalming:

funny how the first posts are from ppl with 2,6k 3,6k 4,6k 4,9k posts
what are you talking about , you only play the forum game not the game itself