No Blizzcon this year!

Things can change. It would be great if they get it out by Nov - Dec, as long as it doesn’t have to be rushed.

I’m just basing what I said on how I’ve seen Blizz operate over the years. For example, they announced WoW’s expansion last Blizzcon and it still doesn’t have a release date. Probably going to be a late 2024 release, roughly 8 months to a year after its announcement.

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I will take you up on that offer. If it releases in 2024 you can get be a copy of the base expansion.
If it releases in 2025 I will get you a copy of the base expansion, you have 24 hrs to respond, deal?


Can you gift games on battle net (and across regions)? If you can, eh, sure, why not!

Also, to be sure, release is genuine release, not open betas etc.


One wonders what is really behind it.

What connection exists between no Blizzcon and the company policy. You’ll understand it over time.

The last time I gave a gift I paid for it received the code and sent it to the person that was years ago.
I am not sure if we can just do it via Battlenet somehow. I will save this as a pdf to remember. :ok_hand:


Brainwashed community. Remember last Blizz event in china or where it was. Like 5 viewers, they had to cancel the stream lol.
Outside of the forums there is just 0 (ZERO) interest in blizz games anymore.

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Eh, is the interest dwindling? Very likely.
But millions are still subscribed to WoW.

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I don’t think so. They’re very likely going to be showing the expansion in detail at gamescom, just like how they showed Reaper of Souls for D3, at gamescom (2013?) but there’s no way they’re then going to release the expansion nearly at the same time. They’ve straight up said “late 2024” at blizzcon last year.

Also, at blizzcon, they specifically said “when the expansion launches, we’ll have something for everyone,” likely referring to it launching alongside the start of a season, so that there’s new content for all players, regardless of whether you have the expansion or not. And it just makes much more business sense to launch alongside the start of a season, so that anyone who’s playing the season but didn’t get the expansion, will be more enticed to buy it.

If they stick to the 12 week seasons, I think it’s very likely the planned launch date for the expansion is around October 29th, for season 6, give or take a couple of weeks. I think it will be a good idea to peep the ending date for season 4, once that goes live and see if it’s exactly 12 weeks, or whether it’s extended/shortened by a week or two. That will give a good indication for when the expansion is likely to launch.

Have you even been to a blizzcon?

I live in the local area near irvine. Ive been to 3 with tickets and probaly 6 in periphery due to friends.

Its a major event its almost like cancelling prom imho.


Ye, and millions are still subscribed to fitness centres. Without using them. So whats your point?
Ask the wow community how things are going, last SoD was bad, retail is bad (allthough new addon is there, which will help. Interest in D4, OW, HotS, sc2 is super low).

It WAS a major event. Just like dinosaurs WERE on the planet a few million years ago.
Again, you forgot the event in korea?
There is just not enough interest / content. (allthough content can be created easily, so i dont think its the driving factor for their decision).

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we’ll be sharing more details about our launches coming later this year, :point_left: including World of Warcraft: The War Within and Diablo IV’s first expansion, Vessel of Hatred. :point_left:

I wouldn’t. New Blizzard doesn’t delay their games “until they’re ready” like Old Blizzard did.

Shn, i think we agree about this whole thing.

For blizzcon to be cancelled, blizzard is in trouble.

Even last year they had extra banks of tickets that were on sale and usually these sell out within seconds of release.

You may think it makes sense to cancel which it does only because blizzard is in trouble.

Its not a good thing. It makes sense, but still not a good thing.


Blizzard is obviously in trouble but it’s under Microsoft, so it’s sort of a moot thing.



Canary in the coal mine.

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Eh, the writing was on the wall with what Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 turned out to be and with that survival game they were working on being canceled. They’re just running out of relevance.


The wow classic season of discovery announcement was really cool and had some great info. Everything else was pointless tho.

You are absolutely right. However, context of the conversation and the company we’re talking about is important!

This “X is more important than Y” bit is what helps create class-warfare while the CEOs laugh at us fighting amongst ourselves.


That is true. They still do delay games however, just not until they are ready.
Season 4 is delayed as well. Which might indicate an overall delay in season schedule, unless they want to shorten another season.
Nor do I expect a long delay, just enough to create a bit more space between WoW expansion and D4 expansion.

Hopefully enough to bring it across the December 31 deadline. Anything else would be humiliating at this point ^^

After that wonderful Bizzcon parody about “Blizzard is dead” on youtube, I doubt further Blizzcons would have anything to add at all.

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