No Blizzcon this year!

After careful consideration over the last year, we at Blizzard have made the decision not to hold BlizzCon in 2024. This decision was not made lightly as BlizzCon remains a very special event for all of us, and we know many of you look forward to it. While we’re approaching this year differently and as we have explored different event formats in the past, rest assured that we are just as excited as ever to bring BlizzCon back in future years.


"Diablo IV’s first expansion, Vessel of Hatred. To celebrate these upcoming releases and to bring our communities together in new and special ways, we will soon share some exciting plans for other industry trade shows and conventions like Gamescom." 2024 Gamescom, Wed, Aug 21, 2024 – Sun, Aug 25, 2024 :point_left:

The book of Prava will release in early Oct. so we could have the expansion sometime between late Aug. - Sept.


It was pretty boring anyway. Looong marketing talk. Not much detail about games. Announcement of multiple expansions of milking World of Warcraft and not even making it free 2 play while it has microtransactions disappointed me instead of making me hyped. Nothing about survival game (now we know it’s cancelled).

On the other hand it’s probably better to have announcements when they feel ready during entire year and can keep things fresh that way instead of waiting with everything for one specific date.


So they have literally nothing to show. Amazing how this company works


Ty for the info as always.

Hard to say on this one. I’d expect October to November myself, just hope I’m wrong.

@One - thanks for posting the Blizzcon news too.

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well, at least they annouced the date for the dev update. Developer Update begins on May 2 at 11 a.m. PDT


Can’t say I’m surprised, thanks for posting.

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Its not really a big deal. What does it matter if they have a boring convention anyway?


I’m fine with lack of Blizzcon for D4, not sure for other games i.e. why didn’t make it for the event, but yes, D4 had a really busy year so it’s understandable if they don’t want to show much of the inside/insight works

All appreciation to the team, looking forward for the campfires, whenever they decide to do those :slight_smile:

Was a smart decision in my opinion. What would they announce? The fact they lost people due to the Microsoft merge? Their survival game was cancelled? No new IPs for the foreseeable future?

If we’re being honest, they’ve already laid their cards out on the table. Aside from a new phone game like Warcraft Rumble I just don’t see anything new that would be announced at Blizzcon to warrant making it happen. We know about the WoW junk, and the D4 expansion and that’s about all they have going for themselves right now.


In case I missed something, BlizzCon was pretty stinky last year. Presenters looked bored. They didn’t really reveal anything. What they did, just seemed to anger people. Why waste dev hours on this? Lets help make industry trade shows a real thing like they used to be. I used to love going to E3 in LA and PAX in Seattle. Besides, Blizz is part of Microsoft now. If they get a CON, then Bethesda is going to want one, and BioWare will want one, and every other developer they have will want one too. Why not put your forces together and make a real show?


I will go with sometime between August 21st and October 5th. But I do not have any inside scoop.

Gamescom is the largest gaming convention so they could release the VoH during the convention in August. The Book of Prava may have spoilers and it releases on October 5, 2024. Hopefully we will know more in a few months.

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Thanks for posting this. Kind of sad though.

I went to two of them with my brother and we met up with our guild members. It was an awesome time both times but they were before covid. I participated in the March of the Murlocs my second one “mrrglrlrlrmgrrr”


The logic… It Burns!

You make a good point.

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This was my thought process. Last year’s made sense because there was a lot to announce. Obviously there is nothing to announce this year other than the D4 expansion. And one expansion isn’t enough for a Blizzcon.

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Big letdown. Blizzcon is a huge deal and they just scrapped it for 2024. Not good. Not good at all.

You plan for this in advance at least a year or two and have something ready to get hype going. Hearthstone 2, WoW 2, Starcraft 3, Heroes of the Storm 2, something, anything, ect. There are so many projects demanding to be made.

Forget about any big game in Warcraft title as long as people still pay for subscription, mounts, pets, tokens etc. They will milk it till they can. Of course I would love Warcraft 4 but…

RTS dev team is gone from Blizz and they made their own studios, working on their new rts games.

Hots sadly isn’t that popular and failed to compete with League of Legends. Overwatch is trying against Valorant but it’s still losing as well.

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It’s kind of hard when they keep canceling everything that’s not a direct sequel to an established franchise in the same genre… except for Warcraft (sans Warcraft Adventures).

They canceled the MMO Titan, the Battlefield meets Starcraft game, and they more recently canceled the Survival game that’s been in development for 6 years! And now they are looking for directors for an unannounced open world game that’s in pre-development. lol. It’s like why, so they can cancel it in 2 years?

Not to mention they stop supporting their older games and leave them to rot, even if they’ve been remastered. Age of Empires 2 is 500 years old and is getting a new expansion for its definitive edition.

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conventions are going away in general. look at E3

Not entirely surprised.

They have probably been working on sunsetting it for a while. It’s going to be stripped back more and more as they transition to the Nintendo Direct model.