No Blizzcon this year!

And nothing relevant about “Overwatch 2”…

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I’d much rather they put the money into ensuring their employees are paid a living wage with no crunch.

I remember the first BlizzCon we went to. It was nice, they had the entire Anaheim Convention Center, and there was maybe 12,000 people attending. The smaller rooms were used for developer talks and shorter panels and you could literally meet anyone at Blizzard - just walk up and say hi. They also featured game tournaments, and I even played in a WarCraft tournament. Some truly amazing skill there.

Subsequent years increased attendance (lines, noise, people, etc), decreased the space (only half the convention center), increased the cost, and eliminated the small dev panels. Tournaments started to be “invite only”. That’s not to mention ticket price increases and ticket availability problems.

There’s my “get off my lawn”, rant.


If they hadn’t canceled it would probably have involved something like when they announced Diablo Immoral complete with do you people not have phones? :unamused: :man_facepalming:So good riddance

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This sounds like the beginning of the end or maybe even the middle of the end.


There’s no reason to have a blizzcon when they know their addicts-for-life fan base will buy the next 65$ horse mount. Why would they waste money on it?


WoW The War Within is coming out around Sept ish, so D4 expac def won’t come out around that time. So I would say Novem - Dec will be D4 expac.

With the price of tickets, I always assumed they made money off Blizzcon :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizzcon being cancelled is a big deal.

Not sure how anyone can spin this as neutral as it definitely isnt something good.

The reasoning and root cause is probably even more worrisome if indeed what some people posted here is true.

If there is no significant ip to front for blizzcon…sound of a company dying?

First its stuff like this, then no overtime
… next you know you gotta start accounting for toner and paper, pen and sticky tab rationing etc etc.

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Wheres the bling bling to make those games… Microsoft is cutting resources left and right

If they’re announcing the expansion at the end of August, I’d think it’d be like 3-6 months till release after that. They’ll do like WoW and set up a web page, pre-orders, and updates for a while.

Activision has thrown out CoD games for decades, and they are not dying. Blizzard surely could survive as the bad MTX games of WoW, Overwatch and Diablo for a while.
And they seem incapable of making new IPs these days, so they probably will have to.

But yeah, certainly agree it is a bad sign for them.
Tbh, even if they didnt have any new games to show, it seems like it would still be smart to hold Blizzcon. They could still talk about new content for their MTX games. A bunch of PR without any competition around.

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They should focus on improving their games, not wasting money on Blizzcon that doesnt bring any revenue

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They don’t have a lot of stuff to present, so guess they decided it’s not worth it to do Blizzcon.

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Not to mention there’s likely a lot of restructuring going on after the Microsoft purchase that would slow down development on anything that wasn’t already started.

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They are selling tickets, merchandise etc.
But more important, it is one big PR campaign. I can’t imagine what that PR would cost them if they had to buy it.

Of course PR can also turn negative. Like the Diablo Immortal announcement probably didnt do them a lot of favors.
Which is probably their rationale here, that they dont think they have anything that is good PR. Maybe even afraid that what little they have to show, could become a negative story.
I dont think they are right about that, even talking about patch content etc. could be good PR for them imo. Just be careful with the phone game announcements :stuck_out_tongue:

They already announced the expansion at Blizzcon 2013 with a release late 2014.

Blizzard delays have gotten out of hand! :stuck_out_tongue:

I would still be willing to bet money on the expansion not releasing in 2024 though.


There are many, many more people you should be concerned about regarding getting paid a living wage than software developers.

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This is what happens when you go super woke with nothing but DEI hires and poor gaming decisions across the board for the last decade.

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