Nightmare Dungeon Modifier Redesign

True. So it would also be good to then review the current Nightmare Dungeon modifiers. You could replace some with increased monster level, higher monster density, more elite spawns, higher chance to spawn The Butcher, a harder dungeon boss, more elite monster affixes and other more popular choices.

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Donā€™t think the game requires a bandaid solution for every single problem possible. They can just revert it so thereā€™s a chance that there are unique drops

Likewise can redo the events in the OW where thereā€™s a small chance that they get a Glyph XP reward

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rewards tree needs to go. other than that a way to make it so you can determine the exact modifiers everytimeā€¦that can go too. rather have rng sigils determine modifiers. keeps things interesting

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As of right now, the only thing NMD has is glyph xp. Get rid of that and no one will ever decide to do NMD. The loot is still RNG base meaning anywhere else can give the same loot.


Funny enough they took out the majority of the negative modifiers in the PTR. We only have the base modifiers now, such as Blood Blister, Stormbane, Volcanic, etc. The sigils just had 1 positive and 1 negative modifier the whole time during the PTR.

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Agree, but Nightmare Dungeons could use more diversity.
Other modifiers could be added to mix up the gameplay, like defeated Elite Monsters transform in a Shooting Tower that lure enemies from afar so that you get more of a Tower Defense game.

Would be nice to have more control over the modifiers :slightly_smiling_face:

This is my exact feeling. Especially with the addition of the Pit (greater rifts).

Was this also for higher Tier Nightmare Dungeons?

All the way up to Tier 100, I was testing out my Minion Necro to make sure they could handle themselves in at least T100, and they did splendidly. So yes, counted for all tiers of NMD far as I know. I didnā€™t test anything lower then 90+ though. Every sigil I found or crafted, only came with the 2 modifiers, 1 positive and 1 negative.


Good to hear! :+1:

Perhaps we can use some kind of Tempering system for Nightmare Dungeon Sigils where you have a handful of Nightmare Dungeon modifier recipes and each has a pool of positive and negative modifiers. If youā€™re lucky you can get, aside from the base positive and negative modifier, up to three additional positive modifiers. You could also add a chance to triple a random modifier.

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Anywhere with the same enemy level you mean. NMD is the only content that allows the player to choose the enemy level. Vaults were a mirror of this. Assuming they do not add a Vault mechanic back for the Season, it will default back to NMD and well, the Pit 24/7.

What about these ideas?

These embraced rarity and chance.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! šŸ‘

Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard! šŸ˜‚

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A skill tree just for dungeons is interesting. +1

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Some good ideas here :+1:

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Thatā€™s all fine but the problem is theyā€™re too costly to be a fix

Thatā€™s basically an entire new game within the game lol

We need more types of loot and then make a certain type of loot drop in dungeons more often than otherwise (runes or skill sockets for example), not exclusive, but more reliable

B.t.w. I liked your Haunted negative affix (at least on paper) :slight_smile:

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Many arpgs with modifiers mechanics have systems they could pull from,that allow choice, rewards and %xp etc for the amount or kind of affixā€™s the player is dealing with.

So full Nightmare affixā€™s give high rewards, something like that. This could be as simple or as complex as they want it to be, could even look at necropolis and the lantern as inspiration, by selecting nightmare modifiers for certain monsters in that dungeon or this could be part of new affixā€™s pool for nmd.

I personal have no problems with it, i hated the nerf in ptr i think that is garbage.

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I agree. Itā€™s either a decent tree system like this or simplify it to cost extra to craft the specific dungeon affixes and rewards you want. Just throwing random numbers in here so they arenā€™t specific to the actual game numbers but say a NMD sigil costs 200 to make. You could either craft a random one for that price or you could pick each one you wanted for an extra 50 powder.

200 for sigil itself
Add 50 for extra gold
Add 50 for additional unique chance

300 for the NMD of your choosing for you can just go random and get it for the base 200.

Very basic but I hope you get the idea.

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Well if weā€™re redefining the NMDs they better be a side-activity and not a permanent/reliable one

What do I mean by this ?, Sygils can no longer be crafted or salvaged, they can just be used or sold

  • Sygils only drop from elites and thereā€™s a smaller but not insignificant chance it happens (about 6-7%)
  • NMDs no longer ā€œRotateā€ but in order to use them a Sygil must be consumed (no vendor reliability or connection anymore, perhaps only upgrade or downgrade tier)
  • NMDs now are larger, have an additional phase, and up to 5 additional events. At least one of those is guaranteed to spawn a nastier mob (Hellspawn or Butcher or some of those sorts) with a guaranteed Unique drop on kill
  • All NMDs have a ā€œthemeā€ based on mob augmentations (Fire imbued mobs drop fire-damage, fire-res, & other things related to Fire for ex.)

BUT thatā€™s not enough, the point of why people would do such content is there need to be better chances for more reliable loot that otherwise wouldnā€™t (new types of sockets or loot)

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its basicly Atlas tree from poe, and im sure something like that is coming eventually.

But me personally want a CoF(circle of fortune from LE) and SF mode added first.

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Make a Dungeon Modifier & Rewards Tree Board instead.
One where, if you do a NMD with a certain modifier, that modifier is crossed off on the board, and it is noted on the board which NMD lvl it was done at.
Then you can go ahead and complete the board, as in, crosses off all tiles on the board, aka. completes ALL modifiers at least once.
When a board is completed, you go back to some NPC, turn on the board for a big reward, and the board resets again. The reward is based on the average lvl of the NMDs used to complete the board. Or maybe better, the lowest NMD lvl used, so you cant just do a lvl 1 NMD for an affix you donā€™t like.

Now we have a reward system for doing a diverse set of NMD modifiers, instead of everyone just running the easiest ones over and over.

Maybe the board could also get a set of randomized bonuses to spice things up.
Like on the tile for ā€˜Stormbaneā€™ your board might state 100% increased Glyph XP or Guaranteed pack of Goblins, or whatever, resulting in getting that the first time you do an NMD with that affix on the board (and only that one time, since it would be crossed out after that).

Also, cut down NMD lvls from 100 to at most 20.
This overly granular difficulty scaling is silly. It should feel different to go up a tier. Same for the new Pit.

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I took nearly every Ancestral one. The Shrines go brrrrrrr!

Vaults were short enough where nearly all the bad affixes were offset by shrine power and frequency.

Got great inspiration from the replies above and the latest Developer Update Livestream.

The general thoughts/ideas are:

  • Smoothen the game experience for players who put lots of hours into a specific game activity
  • Available in Season as well as Eternal
  • Persists through Season like the Renown system
  • Modular system where parts can easily be added, balanced and removed
  • An evolution of the Season Journey and the Seasonal Blessings systems but also available to the Eternal Realm
  • Can build on the technology of the already available Codex of Power for easy search
  • Get the most out of the game activity you love
  • Make game activities, like Nightmare Dungeons, less of a chore if it isnā€™t your cup of tea

The idea is to have a new system available next to the Codex of Power and Challenges. Holds different categories:

  • General
  • Helltide
  • Dungeons
  • Cellars
  • Tree of Whispers
  • Nightmare Dungeons
  • World Bosses
  • Legion Events
  • Strongholds
  • Uber Bosses

Then for each Category youā€™ll have a set of challenges similar to those in the Season Journey. Most challenges are fairly easy but there are also a few legendary, like finish a T100 Nightmare Dungeon solo, and unique challenges, like defeat Uber Andariel solo, for each category. Each challenge awards a single point, no matter the difficulty. Each category has a small rewards tree where points for that category can be invested.

Example of General rewards tree nodes:

  • Increased chance for specific item type drops (i.e. Chest Armor or Helm or Gloves or Pants or Boots or Weapon or Amulet or Ring)
  • Increased material drops
  • Increased chance to spawn Treasure Goblins
  • Auto salvage items:
    • 1 point: auto salvage magic and rare items
    • 2 points: auto salvage magic, rare and legendary items
    • 3 points: auto salvage magic, rare, legendary and unique items except for super unique and uber unique items
    • 4 points: auto salvage everything except uber uniques
  • Increased movement speed
  • (slightly) Increased pickup radius

Example of the Helltide rewards tree nodes:

  • Automatically pickup Helltide Cinders
  • Filling the Helltide Threat meter grants a temporary increase in damage and movement speed
  • Helltide Chests drop more loot (including Uber Boss Materials)

Example of the Nightmare Dungeon rewards tree nodes:

  • Increased Glyph XP
  • Auto complete dungeon objectives
  • Increased chance of special events (like The Butcher spawning)

How the points are invested per category can be reset at any time. But it could also be a more active variant where you can earn a temporary bonus like Increased chance for Chest Armor drops for an hour by performing a specific task from an NPC for the game activity you prefer.