Finally fixing Grandfather and not much else going on.
Nice fix. I may able to 150 soon.
- Reduced the Airidah Wind Vortex boss affix from 8 seconds down from 8 seconds.
Um, this part is huge too:
- Fixed an issue where targeted Unique items dropped from bosses (e.g. Fleshrender from Lord Zir or Ebonpiercer from Grigoire) couldn’t drop with Greater affixes.
Pit boss dmg fixed… YES… this was SO important for the game.
Missing a note that is saying boss life gets lowered too.
I’m guessing they’re aiming for Tuesday but just in case, don’t want to commit to a date just yet?
They need to make those changes to those bosses NOW. As a melee shred dude, there are times we can’t see what’s on the ground and where everything is going. Trying to get near the boss to attack is a challenge. Elias needs to spawn in a diameter away from the away from the boss.
They also need to stop making projectiles that move when we move. Shadow Blood Bishop, Snake Magi beams, im sure there are others.
Melee life is difficult enough. This is the season for ranged. Hopefully they figure this out. Maybe give certain melee only skills (no silly ranged effects) a DR % for 1 second.
- Duplicate or obsolete Tempering Manuals, manuals the player has already unlocked or has a higher rarity version of, will no longer drop.
Been waiting for this one.
- Tier 200: 30%
really… there is ZERO builds or anyone skilled enough to even remotely clear a pit 200… they might has well said 100% drop rate for clearing a pit 200, unless of course this patch contains class gear sets with +50,000% to +125,000% damage like from d3… theres no one possible anyone will clear a pit 200 this season
ps - i wonder how this will age, ill check back in 2 months ahha
Disagree. The fix to the ‘masterwork reset, then logging out’ is nice, wont get 5 mill stolen anymore.
Masterwork reset is dog water rng. If i don’t reset, find a new instance, and then upgrade, i will get the exact same rolls via upgrading because the devs are just excellent at their jobs. Prior to this fix, you could masterwork reset, log off, come back in, and 5 mill would be gone, but the item wouldnt be reset lol such trash
Similar to AOZ is there a point to 200 being unclearable? Does Blizzard plan to balance the game somehow near the end of the season to make it possible?
Pfff , nothing on rapid fire rogue , wtf
Scroundels kiss rapid fire is still single target? It would have been so easy to fix too man, just revert it back to how it was.
Most of the druid kit and gear still broken are just super subpar. Nice
The ceiling with the PIT is fine. You can find a new piece of gear and try it out and maybe push a new level, BUUUUUUT…
Stat weights are so confusing and the amount of time to level a piece of gear to finally get it to where one can test it is challenge in itself. They you put on the piece of gear, which requires another piece being balanced as well… just to find out that I am doing less damage than before. How time and effort as wasted to be in the negative?
They mega nerfed Pit Bosses with this patch, everyone will drop Rubies on armor/Hp and go full mode dps. I think pit 170 is possible Support Barb + Necro Holy Bolts
Can someone explain the PIT changes. They nerfed the bosses? the shadow effects? Im confused.
So where are the " all druids damage components are increased by 300%" part
tbh powercreep is bad, druid is fine rn, i don’t want see those d3 dmg numbers again, it so braindead
Pit : “Reduced the frequency of boss affixes so they don’t overlap.”
That could be a completely awesome new game if they really do it . I would even try to push a bit again instead just farm .