Need Tempest Roar?

If you’re having trouble getting Tempest Roar, or Shockwave aspect, or any other rare item.

Try changing your build. This is only speculation (obviously), but I have a very strong suspicion there’s code running behind the scenes that gives you more frequent drops for builds you’re not playing.

I played a Storm Druid 1-mid 60s, but inevitably changed my build because Storm drops seemed so infrequent.

Now my Storm/Wolf drops are plentiful (I’ve had 3 or 4 Tempest Roars) and my Pulverize drops are few and far between.

Again, this is strictly anecdotal, I have no “proof”, but if you’re hitting a wall grinding a piece of gear that’s essential to your build, it only costs a little gold to respec and give it a shot.


I can confirm this doesn’t work. I am 94 and i have played the landslide build, pulverize build, and now im using the stormclaw build with out the temest because it has still not dropped for me. I am getting pissed about this BS rng. I want to play the werewolf nado build but need the dang helm that wont drop. This is crap. I have a clan member who had it drop for them 3 times in a day. Wtf blizzard.


Wish these things weren’t account bound. I’ve no desire to play Werenado, I tried it, didn’t enjoy it.

I have no clue what to do with some of the uniques and more rare stuff I get, I just horde it in my stash because while I know I’ll probably never use it, junking it seems wrong in a way.

If you dont get the items that you think builds “requires”, just play a different build or make your own build. Not that hard. I have 2 roars, but dont use them, cuz i made my own poison shred, which i find very fun and viable.

If everyone can play anything they want, anytime, the game will die very quickly.

Well, I’m pulverize, I didn’t drop any unique helm (so not the pulv one, not the tempest roar one).

Funny you say this, I’ve had the same anecdotal experience. Wonder if there’s truth to this.


This is the dumbest thing I ever heard. Hey by a game but you cant play what you want. It would be like telling you at start you can’t play druid but others can make it work. Use some logic people don’t pay money to get told what to do. That’s called a job and you GET payed to do that.

EDIT:also the whole play YOUR way they sold the game on.

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It felt that way for a while for me too, but in the long run my drops evened out. As a pulverize build: from 60-80 all I got was constant werewolf drops (I had one terrible vasily and no werebear chest, 1 gibbous), then from 80-95 I got tons of werebear drops (3 vasilys and 4 werebear chest, another gibbous as well), and finally from 96-100 I got 1 tempest roar and 1 of the unique pants for wolf companions that I forgot the name of.

This isn’t counting any of the generic uniques like the resource refund ring or razorplates.

Chances are tempest roar has a lower drop rate compared to vasily, which sucks because it’s much more build defining. Not to mention werebear can actually function without any uniques while most werewolf builds either flat out can’t work or are much weaker without TR.

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I do not need tempest Roar, i want Anderiels Visage :smile:


I have had the same experience with shockwave. 1-50ish or 60 ad companion had a 100% shock wave drop and a few others. Switched to pulv didnt see it again.

Read on here to remove points from pulv and use somethjng else. I tried it and 20 mins later i had shockwave drop

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Ditto here, level 85 have played Human Lightning Storm, Pulverize, Bullwark and Landslide and not a single Tempest Roar or Crone Staff.

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Damn bro, that does suck. I wonder if some people are bugged because of the previous loot pool dropping barb items. I made my barb just like a week ago after they fixed it and from 68-80 I got 2x tempest roar, 2 days apart, Waxing gibbous , 2x battlestaff of the crone and few other are uniques. Got to really wonder because Druid was my last class to push endgame and on every class I think i’ve gotten every thing I needed for a build by level 80 I would say.

Hope you get it soon.

I am now 100 on the druid and still no effing Tempest Roar, WTF!! F THIS GAME!! I want to play the werenado build but cant and this isnt even supposed to be a very rare drop. Yet that GD Prayer helm has dropped 10 effing times. I will play one more day and if it doesnt drop F this effing weak a$$ druid and will play a barb like i have always mained and shouldve.


This doesn’t make sense at all. Tempest Roar is quite an important piece for wolf or storm builds. That feels about half of the skill tree(not counting companions, they are trash). Im quite sure games should be design for you to play every part it has to offer, then it is your choice to pick which build suits you best.

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Nah. 82 and seen
3 Vasily’s
4 thorns chest
1 1-250% gloves
2 frost boots
3 werebear chests
2 wolf ones
1 waxing gibbous
2 butchers cleaver
2 mothers embrace

Been bear the whole way.

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Currently 92 and I’ve gotten:

4x Mother’s Embrace
4x Frostburns (edited, newly gotten 7/16/23, 4th one)
3x Fists of Fate
3x Penitent Greaves
2x Waxxing Gibbous
2x Crones
2x Mad Wolfs Glee (-edited by mods- SACRED (edited, newly gotten 7/15/23, 2nd one))
2x Hunter’s Zenith
1x Storm’s Companion
1x Butcher’s Cleaver
1x Temerity
1x Fleshrender

And my favorite part…

7x Vasily (bear helm) - one sacred, upgrade to ancestral. Next two I get at high 70 and mid 80 and three at 91, higher level than what I have and more item power than what I have but 2-8% worse in everything else rolled on them

5x Bear chest - Sacred > Ancestral > next three are higher level, higher power level, WAY crappier roll.

All that and not a single TR that opens up what I want to play. -_-

EDIT (7/19/2023)

Now even have a Fleshrender to add to that list before a TR… aren’t I just the -edited by mods- luckiest?!


FYI I was pulv when I found TR, not sure if that helps.

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I’ve seen the list of uniques people in this thread (and others have posted), I can’t help but feel like I’ve gotten a lot more, like a whole lot.

I’ve gotten 8 or so of each body armor and Vasily, probably 5 or 6 Waxing and Temerity, 4 Butchers and TR… Crone’s I only got one of, and it was in my late 80s.

I don’t know if I just have impeccable luck in D4, or if it’s because of how I play, until my 90s (where I witnessed a significant decline in uniques) I didn’t speed run anything. I killed each and every mob and looted everything lootable.