Tempest Roar Needs to Change

Don’t play a class hoping to get ONE specific items with randomized drops. Probably better for your sanity lol

This entitled mentaily is what needs to change.

Game isn’t supposed to give you everything you want just cause you want it. Chase items are supposed to be chased after, and sometimes they just don’t drop, so you need a plan B. Druid has the most endgame viable builds out of any other class. Try stuff around, keep grinding and enjoy the grind.

Or just go play a game where you get everything you want instead.

Yeah! How dare people play a game for hundreds of hours expecting to play a build in their class that is gated behind items that prohibit playing those builds without said item/s. How. Dar. They.

Or just maybe…

A) Class builds shouldn’t be buried behind ridiculously low drop rates on items


B) Said items shouldn’t be as rare as they’re appearing to be for people

Uber uniques are one thing, class specific uniques are another.

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That’s the thing, they are not buried, they are just better with them.

You can play tornado without Tempest Roar.

The importance of having chase items is that they give a goal, specially at a stage where the game is giga barebones.

This is how seasonal ARPGs start. They grow with time.

It’s good as it is.

I coudn’t get it to drop. Saw people memeing about playing an entirely different build and getting it to drop, so I switched to pulverize werebear and a couple of hours later it dropped for me.

Started out as a Storm build, leveled with that up to about 60-ish when the game started cramming werebear down my throat. Swapped to werebear and still continue to get everything else outside of werewolf items. 130 - 150 hours later… still werebear… still no TR.

My list of uniques:

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Lvl 100 here, with something like 220 hours played.

Got one TR drop at lvl 94 or 95, dont remember. Never saw a second drop.

Got like dozen of vasilis, bear/wolf armors, but only one TR (and one crone as well)

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Wish could trade, in d3 u could. Drop em and party could snag them.

TR doesnt exist for me. Preseason i grinded til mid 90s on druid never saw one, currently in my 60s in WT4 and prob gonna never see one either. Gotten Werebear gear nonstop. Wish TR dropped as much as Vasily’s Prayer i got 8 of em on Eternal and 2 on my Seasonal.

whelp back to grinding, hopefully one day ill see one so i can try a fun wolf build~

I’m not sure if the game kinda follows what build you are running to drop items that are relevant to your build. Most people are running pulvarize during leveling so it might make sense to see Varsily dropping more…

Anyone running a werenado constantly leveling up and seeing different?

Blizzard will fix the drop rate by nerfing tornado into nonexistence.

Definitely does not. Right now I have been running human lightning build from the get go, and have yet to see it at lvl 83.

Preseason I ran Necro corpse explosion build and was looking for 2 uniques Howl from below (which never dropped until lvl 95) and Black River, which never dropped until long past 100.

My Human Lightning Storm build is doing great without TR. However, having experienced my necro not getting the uniques I was searcing until 95 and 100+… it does suck, because at that point I’m pretty much done for the season, at least for that character and class.

it would be much better if trading avaialbe. I got an extra to sell, otherwise I can only salvage it.

Same boat on Tempest Roar, Level 100 today, never seen one. I went to lvl 80 in a crazy nice wolfnado build in gear. Finally switched to Pulverize at 80, which I actually like tons.

Also of note, it was not till today that a wrathful invoker was dropped for me: now i have 4. RNG gods have a funny sense of humor.

They just upped the Wrathful Invoker drop from those caches. It was something like 3% and they made it 15% with this most recent patch.

totally forgot i made this post, brother made an essay for a comment

The helm drops regularly from Duriel. Don’t know if you are playing seasons or not. Pretty easy to farm mats, then spam him or better yet get into a group to get x4 runs.

Edit: also, RNG is a B$&@?

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You’d have an argument if there weren’t multiple easy bosses that dropped a unique every time you killed them.

They’ve both irritated the user community and destroyed the meaning of what a unique is in one go.

You’re kind of making their point for them. Diablo since 3 has had some weird algorithm for drops. You could have 2 seasons, going after the same gear. One season you could never see the unique/legendary you need but get numerous incredibly rare items you don’t need for a build. The next you could 6 of what you wanted last season…and then not what you need now. You can’t tell me that’s chance. That’s purpose built.

I remember needing an ingeom in diablo 3 one season and never getting more than 1 the entire season. The next season I got one about every other greater rift. That’s not a % based drop.

The issue sortof is that tornado wolf specifically doesn’t work without the helm. Plenty of builds just start to take off once any give unique drops but storm wolf has trouble allocating all it’s talent points without the wolf synergies, so it’s less of a case of grinding for a power-up and more of a case of grinding and not having an essential build cornerstone.

Not saying uniques should be free, but tempest roar is one that feels extra bad to not get.

Its rare. I just saw my first drop on last day of nov. I been playing druid since stat of season 2. You will get it.

bloodtides for me, the amount of drops u can get at one time makes a good chance for it to drop