Nature Tornado Druid vs Twister Barb

I run a Tornado Druid with the following skills that has no issues clearing NM 100:

Blood Howl
Poison Creeper

Maxed out all of his Glyphs on it.

nerf x, because i’m playing y.

Why not just post about buffing y?

That would completely avoid your whole thread devolving into finger pointing and nonsense. Unless of course, your intention is to pointlessly whine, prove nothing, and accomplish less. If that’s the case, then carry on.

I don’t think OP has an issue with the build being strong and needing to be nerfed. I think OP’s issue is that the design is starting to co-opt other class flavors.

Imagine if Sorc Winterglass Unique instead read: Your conjurations have a lucky hit chance to spawn a Skeleton or Golem.

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Did you not read the same OP that I did?

I think we read it differently since OP never uses the phrase ‘nerf the build’. If anything I believe, and OP and correct me, the point is the build should have never been created, it should have instead been given to Druid class all together.

Think about the mechanics they have done for S4. Shouts are now shared by Druids and Barbarians. Why are all of the twister aspects not Druid aspects when Druid uses their ‘shouts’? Why is there not a druid aspect that creates more tornado each time Druid uses 100 Spirit?

There is nothing wrong with WW being a strong AOE skill. Just make it a different flavor. Why couldn’t it have read throws steel chains out instead? This would be in line with the melee flavor and existing class mechanics and animations. It did not need to be tornadoes. This is why I gave the earlire analogy of Sorceres spawning skeletons and golems.

Even if the damage were the exact same, when one class starts using another classes mechanics the game loses a lot in aesthetics and fantasy design.

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Contextual clues and critical thinking are things.

I can say a whole lot of things without actually spelling it out for you.

Bless your little heart, aren’t you special though.

So you’re saying that the above sentence is a compliment? Because I assure you, it’s not.

Yes, this is a design issue. Not a nerf issue, I dont care how powerful Barb is, as long as it sticks to its flavor, I mean its OK if its a minor aspect that taps into other classes strength. But the twister dust devil build completely outclass a core skill or the Druid.

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You might consider running your writing through chatgpt or something, because what you wrote, and what you intended, are very different things.

If you’re arguing …

I have an opinion and it’s different than your design. Not to mention your justification is often … cause I said so, or just wacko conspiracy theories.

like this little tinfoil hat gem.

Do you really expect anything other than, well good for you?

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Ziva, i know that works. But I absolutely refuse to play this build. This forces you to use 3 slots on pets, just so you can increase your pet count, and use 2 aspects that multiply your damage base on companion counts. Pretty much this build your forced to play it that way.

But the Barb Twister? You can choose wirlwind or double strike, 2 or 3 shouts, either CotA or WotB works, Leap or Charge, or both, much more variety and combination and EACH outclasses the Nado build you got.

Obviously you do. Everything you type is about how much dmg barbs do. So are you lying, or just deluded?

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OP, first you should feel some disappointment after playing a druid this season. Druid forum section is depressing for a reason. Others, as well as myself, have listed off a bunch of ways they could be brought up or skills fixed, but it falls on deaf ears looking at what occured in the mid season patch and now ptr for s5.

Not sure how long you have played d4, but this kind dirth in both development, balance, and creativity is not a one-off as it relates to classes or builds within d4.

My takeaway after playing s0, s2, and now s4 is that after a year, the development team has no true class developers, who refine and evolve a class season after season & patch after patch. This is to the games detriment for a bunch of reasons.

Nothing wrong with critiquing the game and hoping to send feedback to improve it. But we are a year in.

My advice, dont hold your breath. Just roll a,barb and enjoy the content that is d4.

In Season 7, Barbs get a new Blizzard skill, can vanish, then summon their gym buddies that are all better than the Sorc, Rogue and Necro’s versions of those skills.

What is your opinion then?

I get what you are trying to say. Its cool to have your own fun, but not cool to poopoo on other people’s ways of having fun.

This is not that argument.

This is not “how people have fun”, but rather, “how the devs design classes”. Having the Barb be a better Druid than a Druid makes no sense, and is rather offensive to critically thinking people.

Yep. That’s the whole point.

In fact, I would have been completely FINE if all they had to do was change the animation. Be it spinning spiked chain, or barbed wire, I don’t care. But spinning gust of wind? or dust? That’s down right a Tornado, which makes the Barb a better Druid then a Druid itself.

How would it look if Necromancers Bone Armor where spinning Full Plated Armors or Barbarians Leap looks like Spiderman acrobatics? You’ll be pissed because its using other classes abilities.

As a Druid player, it makes me very sad.

Man, if we get I don’t know an axe like the one from Kratos in GoW, with Blizzard theme, so be it, it would also be cool.

The only thing for me is that, of course it should be “harder” to build this kind of stuff and it must demand some good stats, etc… However, once again, I don’t care if the barb is using cold or tornado skills, I am pretty sure you can make these “flavours” like what is tornado on a barb, or Blizz on a barb.

Once again, you can ask for nerfs to barb or buffs to Druid so this archetype also works better with them, but limiting an interpretation or possibilities in other class just so one can completely dominate a subject is no sense for me.

Also, this mentality lead us to a barb being unable to use a shield (or any class really) or sorcerers just now (one year later) being able to use azure wrath. Silly limitations that favours no one…

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