Nature Tornado Druid vs Twister Barb

It’s really not that hard.

Even RF said something or other in an interview about “Player Expectations”.

Players might need a bit of Medicine in the form of “Lower Numbers” to start.
Then they need to set a baseline per-skill.
Homogenize DPS EVERY skill PER-Field(basic/core/mastery etc).
Skill Identity then comes NOT FROM DPS - but from Playstyle and Flavor.
This is Player Options.
Items add further effects to enhance Flavor and Effect - not only boring DPS.
METAs then become dictated by Seasonal Themes and Items(Aspects) that - Like Malignant Hearts or Vamp etc are SEASONAL ONLY - now Devs can safely bump up 1-3 builds PER Season and keep people happy who, frankly some do, need a decision made for them - WHILE…
While the Players who prefer their own builds/skills/playstyles will only be 10-20% Power behind “The Meta Builds”.

Prob is “Meta” builds are 100-1000% higher.
Devs could easily reign this all in if they were brave enough.
It seems as if they’ve tried with various numbers crunching but then content inclusions required astronomical adjustments to “Buff” things.
Buffs lead to more buffs and previous builds being supplanted by New builds equals more powercreep(See:D3).

A Baseline - strictly followed and adhered to would not only Balance the game, give identity to Classes and Skills, make all things function on-par with one another but give Devs room to …gently explore options and introduce Metas.

Instead we have nothing but stacking powercreep and heinous imbalance.

Oh I want to add: The GAME should be “Balanced” in Eternal.
They’re (seemingly) balancing the game in a Seasonal Model.
This is VERY unsustainable in the sense of absurd Powercreep and …well the current situation is there for everyone to see.
Eternal will be a Balanced - within reason ofc - veritable paradise for those who wish to play on that server and Seasonal will be firmly in control of the Devs AND Players with variance being a mere 10-30% at max performance vs 100-1000%+.

I’m fine with a small imbalance here and there but anything you can do, barb will do better, I hope he gets a ranged build too to outshine rogues as well.

what u dont like their design that a barb can do everything better then all other classes?
They run around in SSJ form while others are still training to hold a stick, and are just there to cheer on them when they 1shot yet another tormented Boss for us, and wanting a thank you for it.
Isnt this how barblo 4 should be?

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Their is no drood. There is only your barb god.

Blizzards approach has never been to actually put the work in to balance anything. They just keep rotating which class is OP so everyone can feel like they are good at the game. They have done it in every Blizzard game I have played.

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While he may have said this before S4. It no longer holds true.
They are now much too afraid to lose the players who supposedly came back for s4…so there will be very little “medicine”.

Oh, you bet that is coming with Spiritborn. Its already been leaked that Barbs will have throwing attacks. Just like in D2, throwing Barbs will be a thing, throwing axes, swords, darts, mace, ninja stars, whatever.

They will outclass the rouge as well.

i like the druid tornados. only problem is i can never get the damn helmet so i end up playing something else… every… time…

I mean, I have literally no problems with that, you gave a perfectly fine example of cool weapon. The funny part is that IRL the character you depicted (Thor) comes from the stories/religions of the people that was also once called Barbarians too.

Man, I think you just gave devs an amazing idea. I vote for Mjolnir now!!

Base classes has their archetypes but they can for sure be expanded without ruining anything, specially in a game 80% of the power comes from items. Once again, I am not saying that Druids should not have a tornado build, in fact I believe it should be easier for them to achieve a functional build around it than a barb. However, I don’t think that both can’t exist.

Come on, swinging swords and generating tornadoes is one of the oldest effects a sword have in fantasy, from animes to cartoons, D&D, dark fantasy and Diablo.

What you asked is also on the game, there is a barbarian skill even cooler than molten, the full movement of craving the weapon on earth and throwing rocks on the enemy. It is all there.

Also, this, exactly this.

I know you’re a new poster, so they may give you leeway, but you might want to take out your first paragraph and your last paragraph. Talking about deleted posts can get subsequent posts deleted. It’s in the rules in the sticky at the top.

So just a heads up. If you edit your post I’ll do the same.

It is bizarre that the class that has tornado as a core skill didn’t get a bunch of legendary aspects to generate more tornados. Instead it went to a different class, allowing them to generate more, and better, tornados than the class with tornado as a base skill.

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Do we get a barbarian that throws Druids? That’s the kind of class fantasy I want to see :rofl:

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Oof, that’d need a very long cool-down on it. Even for a Barbarian. Big Bertha the Barbarian needs to rest between tubby tosses.

Maybe for one secondary skill they could add Druid bounces to it? Say, the Druid bounces 3x for X% of the original damage and applies knockback to targets hit? I’m not sure on the rest. The list of possibilities is massive.

Now we just need a name for the skill…

Agree that the Tornado Druid needs to be more like the Barb.

I was watching a Dust Devil Barb during a Helltide event thinking it would be great if the Druid Tonadoes worked that well.

As someone that tried out the Tornado build I found it frustrating how it was very hit or miss as to what got hit by the tornadoes even with a max aspect hitting up to five enemies.

Tbh it’s really really weird, how barb twisters are stronger than druid hurricane. Makes absolutely no sense, and class fantasy wise twisters are very weird anyway. Not complaining, but it’s definitely weird. It’d be like giving necromancers a stronger version of Blizzard

that already happened u know, Blizzard w/o spikes is an absolute garbage Skill on its own. So yes Blizzards from Necros are probably better.

Yes, exactly that.

Necromancers with stronger Blizzard than Sorc.
Sorceress with stronger backstab than Rogue.
Rogue with stronger Leaps than Barbs
Barbs with stronger Tornados than Druids (AS ALREADY IS)
and Druids with stronger curse than Necros…
and Necros… errr… read up.

See what I mean?!?

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This is true (plus leap basically allows barb to constantly fly with no cool down as well outclassing teleport) and also 100x agree with OP. When does the Mjolnir unique come out as well? Serious question.

I wonder though as a thought expirement, let’s say S6 Sorceres got a unique that literally read “Aspect of the Barbarian”. And after equipping this aspect they got Berseking, 2x additional 2H aspects of their choice, and the old 10% inherent DR to become a tank class. How is this for mage gaming flavor? Even though I’m sure all Sorcerers would enjoy the power boost, when all classes start looking the same I think the overall fantasy collapses.

Instead of Dorthy meeting a Lion, Tin Man, and Scarecrow, all she meets are Barbarians on the way to Oz.

Other AOE classes should not farm worse than 10 or 15% worse than Barb AOE builds IMHO.

they made twister barb so that players who complained about fat druid can have a druid build on their buff barb…

seems like the only logical explanation.

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Few things

1 - TR, Starfall, Dolmen Stone, e.t.c. need to add a separate/neutral equippable skill (i.e. all classes can use the new skill)
2 - Class that has that skill can equip it twice (Sorc having both Meteor on cast as well as Meteor Shower on CD from Starfall for ex.)

Now for the particular Nado vs Devils issue:

3 - Not every effect/upgrade should necessarily be about Damage (why not add a LH: chance to Levitate ?), I mean it’s twisters/nados right?, so why all the focus only and exclusively only on damage ?

Use some utility, be creative

4 - Scaling and damage is an issue regardless of who/which-class does more/better (this however is an entire topic discussed on itself)