Nailed it! D4 is a success

Good on ya’ blizzard!

Drop rate and difficulty are definitely some where within or right next to the sweet spot.

Ashava is great - difficult at first glance but easy to learn.

Class balance is well on it’s way. I appreciate the choice to downscale rather than power creep everyone to infinity.

Depth of the game is certainly interesting considering we’ve only seen the 1st act.

Visuals, Story, cinematics and lore are brilliant! :clap:

Few tweaks and bug fixes and bob’s your uncle, we have a winner!

Can’t wait for launch!


Couldn’t agree more. Would like to test the RMT shop before release though


I 'preciate you, sir.


Thank you OP, couldnt agree more. Game feels great.


Couldn’t agree more.


Wholeheartedly agreed, bravo Blizzard! What a surprise, D4 is FRESH!


Yes you are absolutely right. PPL who complain about Ashava beeing lvl 25 just did not watch the Dev Stream. I love all the changes so far. Hyped for release

     I think Blizzard nailed it too, in some aspects, like the visuals, cinematics, story and visceral combat. I like those elements of the game, but some mechanics in this iteration of the game are worrisome, like the weapon restrictions on some classes are ridiculous, just let us wield more weapon types:

-Give Necros access to all slashing weapons including axes and give them back staves. You can keep the maces, tho’ tell me Blizzard, what is The Skeleton King wielding? xD
-Sorcerers have access only to 4 weapon types, I understand that a maul wielding mage doesn’t seem fitting, but at least give them access to all of the one handed weapon types. Give us the option of making a battlemage with a sword in one hand and a focus in the other, or like a priest with a mace etc.
-Barbs are spot on, but I feel like 4 weapons is a bit too much, they seem overburdened, 3 weapons I think it’s the sweet spot.
-Give Rogues some more weapon variety, like throwing weapons, lances, chakrams, spears, etc. Feels bland man.
-Druids can’t use swords in this game. Congrats to the game designer who thought of that.
-Only Necros can use shields in this game, but not Barbs and Druids xD.

I think the UI in general needs some work. I really love the aspect of D2 with its inventory tetris, you can see the whole item art in your inventory, and that makes it more personal I think. Now, in D4 we can only see the hilt of the sword, or the head of the hammer in the inventory artwork. I know this isn't D2 it's just my preference. A good example would be Grim Dawn: more smaller squares, more eye candy, the best of two worlds, and the font needs some work aswell.
The MAP is easy to fix just by zooming it out some more so that we can see more of it, even if stays in the corner. 
Some of the animations are annoying, like sheathing the weapon during skill animation is just the worst, it's not as bad as the Monk and Necro from D3 but still, it's 2023 Blizzard, we have some expectations. 
Overall, I think it's a 7/10 with a potential to be a 10/10 Worthy Successor of the Diablo games if they address the issues listed by the true fans of the franchise, the ones that started with the classics and they were always there, waiting in the shadows  ;'D
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Game was great

My only gripe was all the low level characters joining Ashava.


Great Success! :heart: :+1:


Game is looking really great compared to the closed beta i agree.

I still only have 1 issue with this game and thats when you fire bolts/arrows on slopes/hills they sometimes glitch and just hit into the ground.

That need to be fixed for launch because i would rage if i lost pvp encounters because of it :rofl:

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Yeah it’s looking pretty good, much better than the beta version.


I do not agree. I don’t like what diablo series is becoming.


and fix offhand transmogs ;).

My sorc doesnt want to only read books!

Like what? Compared to d2 or d3? And remember this is just the core… we will hopefully get expansions in the future that add more classes/items.

Agreed i had fun this beta too. Though i still didn’t meet butcher and didn’t go to Ashava but i don’t care so much about that just had fun as Sorc, then Rogue, yesterday and today Necro. Really glad i just could to play again before 2nd of June.


Yep, all is perfect. How many people logged out and never went back after fighting Ashava?

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I met the butcher after approximately 13 dungeons i think… but he just trashed my lvl 20 rogue on t2 :rofl:


See this is a problem. You “HAD” fun. The beta is still going and people already threw the game away. If the game didn’t suck, people wouldnt even be on the forums.


I could’ve gone without ashava and level 20 if I’d just seen that butcher ba$tard! Have to wait until launch i suppose.

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