Nailed it! D4 is a success

No need to listen to the doom and gloomers… this game feels so much more polished and ready for release than D3 did.

I’m convinced that most of the D3 playerbase today didn’t play D3 on release and only came after RoS because D3 was a huge mess upon release. This launch is a big improvement.


I agree as well beside the rubber banding that happen on the server slam every thing is feeling right

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This might be just me, but I felt like the d4 story so far felt really weak. I tried to dive into it, let the immersion carry me, but there is nothing that really moved me. Ima be real with you, the story is not bad, but its nothing too crazy. I remember diablo 2, this story really had me excited for whats happening next, you could literally feel how the devil enhances and that you need to fight it back with the climax of act 4 in the burning hells and later on act 5 for the world stone. I mean I get what they done here. Humas are doomed and horadrim are now hidden type of astehtic. Like it should feel probably extra solo in act 1 as even the angel denies to help in any forms, but still the story feels really underwhelimg imo

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This was not too hard, I played Barbarian and Sorcerer (fire). Hydra is fine.
Killed Ashava no issue.
Too many complainers want a instawin game. I’m glad they didn’t get it!


I tested sorcerer too. Shes still way too strong. Compared to my rogue, sorcerer was flying through the leveling process. Only problem with the sorcerer is that the cold skills got nerfed way too hard. Using ice skills has no point currently, because its really weak. You either go fire or lightning now. But ice has been ruiend by the devs. Dont get me wrong on my compare there. The rogue is a very fun and strong class. With right gear I feel that shes imo the best class in the game. I soloed ashava with her. Shes really strong and I am glad that they keep her like shes. I mean she got the least nerfs so far and is pretty balanced for right now. Rogue really sits at the top but shes not too broken. Also I can understand if devs make the netflix necros weak af, because they are easy to be played while a rogue needs actual brain to be played right no matter how good your items are

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I still feel that the Druid needs a touch of love. Regenerating resource and some management there would be sufficient and help a lot.

Sorc seemed great. Would like to see a touch of damage increase to frozen orb, but that’s about it.

Necro is in a great place now I think. Way better than previous beta, and 1000% better than yesterday. My only complaint is the weapon / off hands… Drives me crazy. Why hold a shield in right hand instead of left? Is this Japan where they constantly get that wrong? Shields are held in the left hand and weapon in right says every fighter ever…

I agree with OP, though i don’t like world bosses like Ashava as they are, since IMHO they have 2 big problems:

  1. people at low level or with trash gear are able to “partecipate” in the fight and screw it for the whole team : imho the world bosses fights should have some level or other requirements so inexpereinced people or leeches would not be able to join.

  2. There are no trash mobs during the fight, builds that rely on them for resource generations/movements/buffs are definetely at disadvantage. Single target builds would be mandatory at higher difficulties, and I don’t like the fact that i shoud respec my char just for these fights. Normal enemies spawns in world bosses fights would be really welcomed.


so will D4, screenshot this.

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I’ve got beaten too. The only encounter i had with him.

After the fix to the Necromancer i must say this will be my game for years to come…

I am so looking forward to the Campaign and the open world quests… YES you nailed it …

Thanks :slight_smile:


Same for me versus the Barb. Just a little squishy and that you can compensate for.

Please stop coping.

This game was already more polished with just the first beta. I know some of you hope and pray for this game’s downfall so you can go back to your arcadey instant gratification gameplay but it’s not happening.


I cant wait. We get to play the full game in just 3 weeks!


Its actually ture in sense of settings, they removed sadly the fullscreen options and force mid range cards to be run in unoptimized windowed modes that they are not really good with. Its causing screen tearings and sometimes blackouts for my rx 580 if I dont tweak the frequence to -7% in adrenaline software. This is a bit sad, because ironically the game run with the fullscreen better for me last beta and I am confused why they removed settings now :confused:

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What build you did for Barb i sorta had this problem to when i was playing

Ok that’s valid.

We have good reason to believe that they’ll improve upon the settings and optimization upon release and shortly after though. They’ll most likely remove the 30 fps cap on cinematics too… there are obviously still some technical issues that need to be worked out but at least the core game is good.

I’m pretty happy with the game’s difficulty and drop rate. Looking forward to release. My only complaint is that druid is unbearably ugly and character customization is pretty much a lie. Half the options for all the characters are ugly af, the piercings, the tattoos, the hair styles and some of the colors, the faces. Why is it so hard to give proper customization in 2023? It’s like Blizz reused a bunch of old assets to save time/money and no one reviewed the options to see if they’re even appealing.


Started as HotA and thrusting strike but found a lego that added an ancient 50% of the time for upheaval, WW and another (I forget) - so I changed to Upheaval from HotA.

Relax my dude, I’m not coping. I will play the early access but anyone expecting polished smooth experience is in for rude awakening. Diablo 3 beta was super polished BTW.

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I fully agree.
Beta was ridiculously easy.
Now you feel a little bit of a challenge like a game should have.