My first actual complaint

after getting my druid to 80, ive noticed that my unique pool is wack. ive gotten 6 waxing gibbiouses, 4 insatiable furys, 4 vasilys prayers, 4 razorplates,2 mad wolfs 2 hunters zeniths, 1 frostburn, 1 pentient greaves, 1 staff of crone, and 0 tempest roars. lol it feels like the variety of uniques is just odd. i know its all numbers but the numbers dont feel right. also like it feels as though there isnt a ton of unique variety

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The druid is currently bugged and it drops Barb uniques most of the time. It’s a known issue that will be fixed before Season 1 starts, some time in the next four weeks.

Something is off on it.

My unique drops are streaky. I’ll find like 3 within 30 minutes, and it’s all the same item. Then nothing for 24 hours.

Almost like their unique hopper picks one to distribute so it just keeps giving you the same one over and over.

can’t find my chestpiece to save my life. Got 20 copies of a staff, boots, and gloves i don’t need, however.

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i heard about that, but i havent even really gotten barb uniques. maybe the unique drop rate is just lower for druid?

I mean I’m level 81 on my sorc and have only dropped about half the uniques you say you’ve dropped, so I doubt druid is bugged with low drop rate.

see thats crazy cause i didnt get the staff till like 76

force your build to match the item u wanted, or do it the other way around. im bleed build and i keep getting nothing but whirlwind on my barb.

not saying the drop rates are low, im just saying the variety of drop rates is low

I think some uniques are simply rarer. I think the same is true with some aspects as well, though nobody is in a position to confirm/deny either of those yet.

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also what kind of content are you doing?

Depends. I switch between farming PVP zone and doing T35-40 Nightmare Dungeons.

ive gotten most of mine from nightmare dungeons, i do quite a bit of them. weird =p hope you find more

I’m not worried about it. I’ve got decent-ish rolls on the only two uniques I’m actually using for my build. If better ones drop, cool. If not, no big deal.

I’d like to get an Ancestral Staff of Lam Esen at some point to mess around with charged bolt build, but again, I’m in no rush and it will happen at some point.

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Essentially what i think is going on is anything that has use for a variety of builds, aka a good aspect has a really low drop rate. Poop things like companion nonsense however has quite a high drop rate.

Its either that, which is really lame. Or the loot system is boned. Which is even more lame. I feel like getting perfect gear affixs should be difficult, maxed aspects should be another relatively rare occurence. I have found 1 core skill crit increases attack speed in a week. Not one natural balance aspect. Decent 1 handed weapons for druid are so rare im using the one i somehow got at level 70, 15 levels later. Finding build defining aspects or what would allow for testing various play styles should not be near impossible. Its BS.

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ive spent every day the last 2 weeks trying to get razorplate and i have 5+ of every unique besides that one, idk what the issue is.

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