My feedback on the beta

So after the first beta theres alot to talk about and this is going to be a long one

first lets look at what i found to be great about the beta

  1. The world.

the world looks stunning and feels alive…
the first time me and a friend saw 2 fallen fighing etch other out in the wild with other goatmen watching my first thought was “we dont talk about fightclub” and we thought it was a untriggered world event… but it was just something that was happening it was awsome

  1. Combat.

the combat system is very fluid and snappy…

  1. The story

the main story seems interesting and the cutscenes are pretty cool… the side quests are a bit hit or miss tho…

  1. Grafics

the game looks good especially the lighting… just looking at the lanternes shadow shifting in the wind looks amazing… did see some wierd artifacting in the snow at times

  1. Classes

the classes feels uniqe and interesting

and now for the things i hope will change before launch

  1. Level scaling

level scaling makes leveling up feel like a punishment not a reward… i dont see how they could fix it at this stage but im hopefull

  1. MMO

so this is not something i personally have enything againsts i kinda like seeing other players from time to time… but i understand that some ppl dont… so being able to opt out of it should be a option imo…

  1. WASD

title pretty much says it all… my friend who has never played a ARPG complained about this the most… i have never played a ARPG with it but i think it would be a great addition to the game nevertheless…

  1. LEGGO’s

so most ppl assume the leggo drop rate it enhanced for the beta and im fine with that…

but the thing that annoys me is that a legendery items is legendery becous of its history…
not its “essense” in this game you could basicly make “excalibur” the legendery ring that has never seen or heard of king arthur… pretty much makeing the “legend” in legendery non existant… so changeing the name to something else would imo be a good move…

  1. Poopy pants

i REALLY dont like the running animation… looks like your character has pooped there pants…

  1. Dungeons

considering this is supposed to be the endgame content im really concerened about the games longevity… the dungeons in the beta seems very repetetive…

all in all im looking forward to D4