My Feedback from playing 8 Chars

So, i startet Softcore and played 3 Sorc to 25, so get the experience how it feels to lvl up every single element. I prefer lightning, chainlightning is much more stronger than the alternatives. So it should be rebalanced.

Than i start Hardcore, playing 3 Sorc to 25, Necro to 25 and Druid to 18.
None of my chars died, so i have to say, HC experience is well done, especialy world bosses was rly high heart-beating moment, loved that.

This time i play 2 frost builds and 1 lightning build (sorc). Again,without any Items, lightning is the skill to get chosen. If u want to be as fast as u become with lightning skills, u have to get some aspects.
Important to know is, it would be ok when lightning is stronger, if it was from gameplay high risk, high reward. But it isnt :stuck_out_tongue: and mana management is so much harder with the freezing alternatives, just fire is easier.

The overall gameplay mechanic is nice, 'though its sucks for the druid. Left click to dont make dmg (way to less), just to prepare the dmg is rly unfunny to play. I wonder, if im the only one, who thinks this way. On the other hand, the sorc left clicks have at least some dmg and u dont have to cast them, u will get mana anyway.
I think the “lucky hit shots” should be rebalanced. The better chance skills have about ~50% CHance to get lucky hit. Than u have a passive skill that has a 3%chance on lucky hit…rly? U want some gamer to invest one of the rare skillpoints to get 1,5% chance to become the effect from this skillpoint? And mostly the skills have about 20% chance to become “lucky hit” so 0,6% chance to become the effect…thats barely nothing.

The community manager told us, that the char should be feeling strong. Its ok for lvl 1, i dont have good items, and i feel strong fighting against the wolves, than i become higher lvl, better items, and getting weaker…when i am lvl 25 and put all my items off, i cant kill anything, so my char feels rly weak…just the items give me power.
So what should be my conclusion of this? Community-Managers are lier? I dont know.

I like the mmo aspect of this game, especially in Hardcore mode, i was rly happy, when i meet other players and helped them, or getting help by them. And beat the Worldboss in the party give a kind of teamspirit, rly nice. It would be nice if u have more chances to interact with someone, dont know how, but u are the experts :wink:

When i play the necro it was a rly funny experience, i love his gameplay, every skill gives me thoughts about builds around them but bonespear is way to strong, especially in compare to the ice shards from sorc, nearly the same kind of skill.

Over in all, i love this game, i love the the way legendary items work, 'though i would also say blue items must be higher range with stats.

PS: Sorry for my language, im not a native speaker.