My feedback as a boomer

I’m a level 20 barb, 40+ years old and played soon after release Diablo 1, 2, 3 and D2R. Finished all 4 games multiple times with different characters but I guess I haven’t played as much as most people here.

My simple feedback:
+Graphics and visual effects

Items are very bad, not interesting at all in any way
Dungeon maps
UI works well but is bland and not Diablo like
Text fonts same
No see through map
Level scaling feels weird

Not sure yet
Skill tree
Potions system
Cooldown system


Those are because this is a Console Port…


Agree and would add not a fan of level scaling.


If that’s the case I wish blizz creates a new UI for PC only then, different systems different needs


they just need to design the game for pc first then downgrade the console port until it fits and works over there. designing a game to fit consoles and then going yea thatll do for the pc version is such a stupid idea


You wanna know why we know it is a console port… hit “e” or “a”. Why are emotes not typed out? Why is there a slide bar to fill the screen for talents. Why is there no native 5k support? Game is a console game with a PC port. Absolute trash. Did they learn nothing from “Don’t you guys have phones!!!”


Chat belongs to the left of the screen.


It’s important to note that most of the powers you see in this 1-25 limited beta are codex powers, which are more basic and boring. There are also legendary affixes that are drop only and don’t appear in the codex, but can still be extracted and moved to another item. I think we’re seeing some of these, but not a lot.

There are also unique items which are much more rare you see more of later on that are more interesting and change up builds.

I think the issues most people have with level scaling are overstated.

You gain more power as you level than monsters are getting just by being your base level, unless you’re just never putting on any gear upgrades or spending your skill points. I think early level melee needs some help, but that’s not really because of scaling.

Higher difficulties (nightmare+) also have a level floor so monsters are always that level at least (so lowbies can’t be powerhouses in the higher difficulties.

I do have issues with some of these. A lot of dungeons are kind of repetitive of the same basic set of simple tasks and some of them involve a decent bit of backtracking. Not quite as repetitive as rifting, but if they brag about there being 150+ dungeons or whatever, we can hope there’s a lot more variety and not just the same exact thing with slightly different looking tiles 100+ times.


As a PC player since early 90s I’m also sad this is not a pure PC game, however I understand there is a $ side of things…


Every game that I have played that is a Console Port has sucked. They need to do it the other way around. Make it a PC Game first and then port it to console. I didn’t spend 4k+ on a computer so I can play on console settings.


Most underrated comment i have seen so far. PC is superior race!!


That’s not how games are designed anymore. Nearly everything is being ported to consoles and so they start by designing them for consoles first. It’s a terrible reality we live in. Between that and obnoxious battle passes in every game. Complete games aren’t made anymore. Incomplete games are made and then sold to us in pieces.

Nearly all major gaming studios start by designing for consoles first and look to cut corners where they can.


What strikes me as strangest about the decision they made is that this very thing - developing for PC, porting to console - worked great for D3. The console port was widely considered a resounding success, and the UX/UI changes they made to account for the audience’s expectations and controller-based input garnered appreciable praise. So they know how to do it, they know it’s gone well…why would they reverse development priority with D4? :thinking:

(A rhetorical question, BTW. What’s done is done, we’re not seeing it walked back in 3 months. Overall I enjoyed the beta but some of these design decisions are pretty stark.)

That’s not a boomer, that’s gen x. I wish people would get it right.


As a Gen X’er I was downright offended by OP’s proclamation…


Maybe a coincidence or just a Diablo fans perspective - but I am around the same age, and my opinions are basically identical rather I just used more words

As was I. Boomer is 50 and over

I know I’m not technically a boomer
I mean the internet boomer

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To be honest, I’d accept the label if it came with the relative wealth…

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It’s not. But you knew that.