My experience and feedback (playing sorcerer)

hey there, i am going to give my opinion and feedback as a lvl 25 sorcerer.

ill be dividing this post in 3 sections

the good;

  1. combat feels heavy, impactful and responsive.
  2. the details look good, graphics look good.
  3. class customization. do i need to tell more?
  4. the music
  5. general art style
  6. itemization
  7. enemies feel adaptive, and actually make u think sometimes.
  8. towns feel alive
  9. dungeons are actually fun

The bad;

  1. optimization, whilst i have no real lag, there is some serious memory leaking. but they are working on it
  2. some spells feels imbalanced.
  3. rubberbanding or something like that when entering a town.


  1. increase gold pick up range
  2. explain better what some vendor can do etc (make an codex for it?)
  3. spell effects, not all have a description or i cant find it (why is my health globe sometimes purple?) also an codex would help.
  4. give us more quickly acces to our mount, havent seen it yet and can slow down the game. (this is specially noticeable in the beta due to restricted acces for zones)
  5. take a look at some talents, chain lighting feels like its a bit to strong sometimes
  6. let a single click pick up all quest items in a certain range. clicking each item for an quest can feel interruptive
  7. legendary imbuement, i cant really explain it, but it feels not intuitive. might become more clear later on
  8. mob scaling. some mobs become more easy to kill on later levels whilst other feel like they are getting way stronger.
  9. add chests in each town so i can add my loot there.
  10. add an layout map, its interruptive to have a whole map open whilst in a dungeon. take a look at D3.
  11. make the chat box moveable, i am used to having a chat box in the left corner like most games.
  12. make the dodge button 1 sec shorter

this is it at the moment, keep up the work!

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i cant make a new topic so im taking yours

Is there a way to mark items to not be disenchanted? you can mark a rare item as trash and it will still get disenchanted when you select rare so is there a way to mark items as something you want to hold onto? If not then add that feature and leave chain lightning alone.

if you mark an item as trash, u can press the ‘salvage junk’ button and that only salvage items u have marked

Oh yes.

You have great feedback.

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