My Druid is Bugged, Please help!

I just watched the fireside chat, and I was instructed to post if I felt i was experiencing one of the bugs. I feel like I am!!! Please Help! I am getting mostly Barbarian Uniques, I have not seen a single Tempest Roar Helmet since I made the character. My druid friends who are playing with me have not seen a single barbarian item drop for them and they have seen MULTIPLE Tempest Roar helmets drop for them.

It feels crushingly bad to have a helmet be so pivotal to my tornado build not drop for me and have it be potentially because of a bug making it harder, or Barb items taking up the loot table or w/e is happening. My entire reason for wanting to play the fantasy of a werewolf that does storm skills and I have been struggling with the basic human form, having everything else I need but not being able to use it because the helm just won’t drop and Barbarian Unique weapons are dropping instead. Please help, I don’t care if I get a lvl 5 regular unique version of the Tempest Roar at this point, but I would love to be able to get it to drop.

TYVM for everything you have already done, and for a really smooth Launch! I am loving the game and I understand you all are tackling more important issues, but just wanted to put this out there and I hope you guys can get to us Druids eventually.